Page 32 - Provoke Mag Vol2
P. 32

 Mankind’s Pointless Wars
When you think of battles fought both past and present you think of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and the World Wars. The one thing these conflicts and every one before them dating back to the beginning of man have in common are thousands of men and women have fought and killed people they have never met before. Wars have been fought for every reason and excuse known to man from territory expansion to the attempted annihilation of a certain race of people and religious beliefs.
Now that’s interesting. Why do we fight wars based upon ethnicity or religion? These are wars that are completely pointless because there is no way that these wars can be won by anyone. Everyone loses. Let’s take the Civil War, for example, this war was fought for two reasons. Territory and ethnicity. The main reason for this war that would pit fami- lies against each other on the battlefield was to end slavery. Slavery ended but racism lives so 154 years later this war continues with no end in sight.
What is the point in fighting over ethnicity or religion? These two things we can not help. We can not help what we believe in no more than we can help or choose our skin color. We are supposed to learn from history not repeat it yet daily we wake up and set this song on repeat. We know the lyrics to this song so well that we can sing it to any beat and genre. When will we stop running head-on into this brick wall thinking the bone is stronger than concrete? The answer to that question is never.
We will never stop fighting this battle because we refuse to utilize the one tool that we all have that can break that wall down. That tool is respect. With a common ground and respect not for just oneself but for all this battle can finally be conquered. This war can finally be won.
Remember that until we all unite as one race and one voice the people that benefit from our continued division will keep us in chains and enslaved maintaining complete control over us. Big media will continue to laugh at us while depositing their paychecks. Our government will continue to laugh at us all while continuing to pass oppressive laws that keep us nailed to the floor. Fake community leaders will continue to laugh at us and mock us while planning more and more self-image promoting rallies in the name of justice. At the end of the day, our physical appearance and contents of our bodies cannot be changed but our minds are universal and can be changed and/or adapted to bring forth the cycle breaking force needed for us to truly have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I will close by saying let’s stop labeling ourselves and each other. I am not white I am human. Love yourself and your brothers and sisters. Respect yourself and your brothers and sisters. We all as humans have the same exact origin in the womb and we will all have the same exact destination in the grave, and unlike our origin how we get to our desti- nation is completely up to us.
Michael Wall

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