Page 50 - Provoke Mag Vol2
P. 50

Competing with Cancer Valesca Macedo
The day that I spoke with Valesca Macedo was the first day that she was able to get back to her weightlifting diet after battling and conquering kidney cancer and the surgical re- moval of her kidney. I felt honored to be able to break in her first day back into the weightlifting world by interviewing her on what brings her alive the most: Weightlifting and body fitness competitions!
The Brazilian native, who currently lives in New Jersey has been in the United States since 2000 because her moth- er and sister lived here. She came here for vacation for two months and she couldn’t resist the chance to make America her home. Living in America provided her the opportuni- ty to make more money so that she could take better care of her family back home in Brazil where Portuguese is the native language. She practiced martial arts in Brazil for twen- ty-five years however she did not get into lifting weights until she moved to the United States. That is when she fell in love with lifting weights. She won her first show in 2006 and she has not stopped since then! She has won the IFBB Figure Pro and the Hawaii Pro in March 2018 and in ask- ing what is it that she loves so much about competing, with a vibrant reply she said, “It makes me feel alive. !AVIVA!”
 What provokes her work ethic is the discipline and the de- termination that it takes leading up to the competitions is what continues to spark her excitement for the art of com- peting. To live in the moment after prepping and preparing for three to four months is what really excites the beautifully bodied Valesca Macedo.
“If I can do this, then I can do whatever I want to do. I feel strong. I feel like no one can take me down.”
And I agree! After listening to her story of conquering can- cer while raising her wonderful son it has really shown me that when you have a focused, balanced goal in life, stay- ing disciplined enough to win competitions over and over again that it really does take a mentally strong and physically strong person to push toward success especially in a man dominated industry. After looking at her Instagram page @ valescamacedo_ifbbpro and seeing how beautifully soft yet strong that she is, I had to ask her about her daily fitness regime. She stated that she could do legs every day – she loves it! She works them two times a week. She works on her booty three times a week. And she used to despise the upper body section however she said that she has learned to love it. Now, she does hate calf days but she understands that each part of her body is important and of good value.
I look forward to following her journey after her success
with cancer.
Amber the Rambler
      Do you
got what it takes
to become Brickhouse
IG @ valescamacedo_ifbbpro

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