Page 40 - Provoke Mag Vol6
P. 40

 A Bad Little Boy to a Sorry Ass Man!
I’ve heard countless women complain about the woes of dating. After hearing so many women talk about numerous bad relationships and being tired of meeting these worthless men, I wanted to dig deeper into this epidemic, and try to determine the origins of the worthless men that walk and infest our nation. I have heard countless times that there are no good men to meet and date. I wish to shed light on this problem in hopes of pinpointing who’s responsible. Only then do we have any hope or chance for change. I be- lieve in 95% of the time, the origin of “the bad little boy” can be traced to the absentee father. There’s a natural order of respect & discipline just being the biological father and/ or the man of the house garners. Allow me to use this de- piction: Lets say a man, woman, and their biological son went to the woods. When they arrived, the father started a small fire for the night. In the middle of the night while the mom and his son were asleep, he left. He took with him everything used to extinguish fires. Eventually, she wakes and she sees that the man was gone and the fire just begun to spread, and all it would have taken was the water in her canteen to get the fire under control. Instead, she panicked and threw paper towels, lighter fluid, matches, flares and firecrackers onto the fire. The root cause of the fire was at the hands of the father, and the absentee father is also re- sponsible for creating the situation/dynamic as to where the mother is left alone to put out the fire despite her not hav- ing any knowledge of fire safety, in the same way a single mother doesn’t have a natural clue on how to raise a boy into a productive man. The small camp fire growing into a five alarm forest fire (sorry ass man) would be the fault of the single mother and all the women that “the bad little boy” encounters as he matures into a worthless adult. The initial reason for the fire is the absentee father, however as the fire grew large enough to burn down all of Alaska, you can place the blame on the over coddling, nurturing na- ture of the mothers, aunts & grand- mothers to big sisters.
I believe only about 2 out of 10 of our black boys have the docile and independent personality type that will allow him to still thrive in a single mother, female only influenced environment. My opinion is that some women believe that no matter how dependent on her and spoiled their sons are between the ages of two years and seventeen years, at some point between the ages of eighteen years and twenty-five years, he will miraculously morph and transform into a re- sponsible and financially independent man. This thought process is false because humans are born with the least amount of natural instincts and if you train your son that he doesn’t have to be responsible or make good decisions, and the mother trains her son to believe that the best way to problem solve is to call for Momma then he will grow
everything in her power to erase it so that her baby doesn’t ever have to deal with the consequences of poor choices. This man then develops the thought process that being taking care of by a woman is the natural order of things.
I’ve had women say to me, “A man shouldn’t want a woman to do everything for him.” A guy properly taught how to be a man does not want a woman to take care of him. Without the presence of a father, the mom is left to raise her son and he los- es the example of masculinity in his life. Women are nurturers, so naturally she raises her son instinctively by over nurturing, doing everything for him, and giving him whatever he wishes despite any behavioral issues he may exhibit. For example, if he has poor grades and is being sent to the principal’s office for being disrespectful and fighting every other day, his mother continues to coddle him. This causes a sense of entitlement which carries over into his adulthood. In recognition of this problem, there are a lot of ministries, organizations, and var- ious groups trying to attack this growing epidemic. I applaud their intentions and willingness to help change the outcome, but I believe their focus is misguided.
I was told by a young church minister that he and some of the men from his church have set-up a program where they men- tor the sons of single mothers from the congregation. The boys are between the ages of 12yrs – 18yrs and the church group’s philosophy is that a change within the boys can be brought about just having them exposed to successful men so the boys can see exactly what a successful man looks like and the way he carries himself. I believe by the time the boy is 12 it’s too late because he’s been exposed to a house setting and environment where he was spoiled & catered to by all the women (mother/ aunts/grand-mother) in his family for more than 8yrs. At this point it’s too late for low impact non- evasive parenting strate- gies. It’s going to require full scale rehabilitation for any hopes for change. And I believe it makes more sense to try a preven- tive maintenance approach verses a rehab approach.
Kenneth Marshall
 up with that belief because momma has proven she will do

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