Page 43 - Provoke Mag Vol6
P. 43
the leader who is pushing his limits and here are two I felt said a mouthful regarding the condition of our youth today and why leaders like Tevar are important:
Is there a story or a memory you have that made you the man you are today?
My mom was a single parent. I did have male figures in my life, but not a father. I remember when I was younger, I lost a fist fight and I blamed my dad because he hadn’t been around to teach me to fight. When you are a little boy, you want that fatherly approval. While playing little league I had called to ask him to come, and I just knew he was in the stands, so I played my heart out for him, and I would look in the stands and see my mom, but I didn’t see him until the game was over, he had come in late. It broke my heart, but it also broke my mom’s because she was there, and I had failed to take notice of that much. Fast forward several years later, he called his dad to come out and watch his son, his father’s grandson, play in his little league championship game. My son balls out that game. Right after the game, my dad walks up. He missed the entire
game, and it took me right back to the day he failed me. That made me commit to being a better man. Not only will I be there for my children, but I will be there for the others because I know it is important for them to feel that someone is there for them and supports them. (Insert badge of honor. Us single parent home children FELT THAT!)
What do you think is the biggest limitation within our youth to excel at their highest potential?
I think it is the parents. We have to stop putting our kids out before they are ready. No more of that you’re 18, get out! We need to focus in on preparing them for what is to come in the real world and being honest about it. I am raising daughters as well, and I am teaching my oldest ev- erything I can so that when she is ready to step out fully, we have provided her all the tools she needs, and the rest is easier to learn along the way.
These are the types of leaders we need people. Selfless and only seeking a hearing ear so that too can be a source of support for the bigger cause! Lean in!
-Andrea Pernell 43