Page 16 - Provoke Magazine Vol4
P. 16

 Poverty is an emotional discussion that breaks the hearts of many Americans. Each of us may have a different vision of the impoverished. It could be the images of Black children smiling, because of commercial conditioning and television flashbacks of African children covered in flies. It could be a dirty clothed middle-aged man camped in an alleyway in a cardboard box. For some, we might simply see our neigh- bor’s children wearing the same Nike brand shoes day after day. Poverty looks different to different people. Collin Coun- ty has a poverty crisis.
Dr. Tim Bray, Director at the Institute for Urban Policy Research informs that the poverty rate in Collin County, Texas is growing. The information may come as shock when considering the median income range for this county. The average worker in this area makes $90,000 a year and the poverty rate is 6.9%.
In 2018, Agape Resource and Assistance Center comment- ed on a hidden impoverished population. Collin County community resources indicated more people seeking beds in homeless shelters, while these shelters were running out of space. Families had resorted to living in cars, storage con- tainers, or with friends. Indicators such as these point to a society faced with a crisis of survival. This unidentified pop- ulation makes it difficult to determine the real number that affects the county.
Table 1 – Collin County, Texas comparison of median income levels with Dallas Coun- ty, Hunt County, and the U.S. Data obtained from analysis of 2017 survey results pro- vided from U.S. Census 2017
Our thoughts about poverty, are those of individuals who are lacking. Incomes that fall below certain thresholds make it impossible for human beings to obtain basic needs, such as food and shelter. This inability to sustain one’s own needs creates a socio-economic problem for the surrounding area. In Collin County, it is not always attributed to the individual who is unable to find a job. The person that makes an average wage of $30,000 per year may not be able to support a family of 3 based on the cost of living within the area. In neighbor- ing Hunt County, the median income level is $49,319 which is almost half the median of Collin County. The population is 90,000 and there are poorer in this area. Poverty is more
severe. But, the cost of living in Hunt County is less than Collin. People make less but are still able to afford a suitable lifestyle.
In an income analysis of Hunt County, Dallas County, and Collin the percentage of economic disadvantages are the low- est for Collin County. In fact, out of 254 counties in Texas, Collin County falls within the top 10 lowest poverty areas. Collin County also ranks 6th in population which would in- dicate that a small percentage represents a larger number of people. At a poverty rate of 6.9% and a population of approx- imately 914,000, the impoverished would represent 63,066.
While the numerical evidence represents a lower percentage of poverty than the surrounding counties, it does not change the fact that there are families who are unable to afford food and shelter. The seriousness of poverty affects a prosperous community.
Research shows that insufficient income levels can lead to an increase in crime rates and introduce chronic health prob- lems, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and major depression. Lower economies are reflective of high educational dropout rates and destructive behaviors. If the growth of poverty out paces the increase in population, the need for social welfare programs in an area of prosperity will be saturated.
Table 1 – Income Levels. Data obtained from analysis of 2017 survey results provided from U.S. Census 2017
Dr. Bray advocates for poverty awareness within the Collin County community. Research consortiums and universities will systematically follow the results of economic studies for
As determined through methodology used by
As determined through methodology used by
various areas around Texas. Collin County is an area to watch. A call to action to eradicate the problem or find a solution originates when there is a supportive community to rally the cause. What we find in affluent communities when problems are closer to home are louder voices.
The average poverty rate in Collin County is 6.9% repre- senting the 245th highest out of 254 counties. One of the counties with the highest poverty rate in Texas is Hudspeth where 37.9% of the population are living below the poverty line. Since Hudspeth has only 3,700 people the poverty level may not be as drastic when compared to the 63,000 in Col- lin County. However, the poverty level in Hidalgo County is 32.8% with a population of 819,000, which represents 268,632 people who are depending upon the voice of Texans for help.
Shawn Washington

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