Page 29 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 29

With so much of our youth constantly being shown things that are not in their best interest ultimately, we must set a standard as adults for showing them early to tune in to what we have picked up on late. Gumption; spirited initiative and resourcefulness. Some of our kids are carrying this sort of magic around with all the wrong intents. If we can channel that energy and give them options outside of the normal scope, we can create so many more successful from seven- teen stories. We can challenge the school to prison pipeline that dominates a great portion of the black male population. I can recall attending a school program for a good friend’s small child, no more than 8 years old. I became completely stressed out as we turned down a hall and there was a massive red line with large words across the walls that said: “Quiet in the hallways. Do you have your hall pass? Please remember to walk on the red line.” I can give a nod to the respectful tone but that was absolutely the day I decided my own children would not be attending public schools. Imagine how when at the very least your creative outlet is a video game, probably full of violence, and when you get bored or heaven forbid, hungry, you go out into the real world and operate from the signals your environment presents to you daily. Not truly be- ing afraid of something you have done your whole life; follow the rules and walking the line. This is not an easy way out as some may try to interpret it. For countless young males, they see it as the only way out. That is until their minds are changed. Let us be the reason, collectively, we change the minds of our youth. Change their minds about where they come from, what they are capable of and most importantly lead by example in what we DO. Especially after mistakes, ownership and triumph over missteps are all it takes for a ripple effect creating chances for others to succeed.
As his celebrity grows you will most likely see him doing even more. He was a guest host representing for BET before the Super Bowl game. He was hanging out at their literal su- per bowl, a kitchen item, filled with tough questions to ask a few athletes and entertainers that stopped by. If you can’t get enough of the funny guy, then catch him each Sunday on Fuse TV. There he is said to be on a journey of self-discov- ery as he immerses himself in the culture of what it is to be white. The show is called, The White People Shit. He is a good vibe, you can tell from episodes that have already aired and the laughs those who entertain him for the day get. Keep an eye out for Keraun, this Motor City boy isn’t going anywhere soon. Started from the bottom..
There isn’t much to say after that, pursue that which is outside the box and fail until you get it right. Best of luck in your en- deavors! 29

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