Page 15 - Provoke Magazine Vol4
P. 15
in East Africa, makes it easier to transfer production. Ghanaian president came to power with the vision of building 1 factory in every district. Ghana is looking to move up the value chain by attracting investors to help boost domestic production. If we stop just purely ex- porting but move up the value chain, we will see more job creation. More resources should be processed in- ternally then go out.
KS: Western capitalism or Chinese state-run capital- ism. Which model would serve Liberia best?
MC: Liberian models what works for outsiders does not necessarily work for us. We must create our own development models, we cannot just copy and paste. KS: What do you think about the American “ Prosper Africa” Philosophy?
MC: If it’s a mutually beneficial plan, then sure. Amer- ica can always create its best plan for what they need it for.
KS: Eventually global interest rates will have to rise again; many African governments are in danger of de-
faulting on debts. Who is to blame and why?
MC: Outside forces tend to have negative effects on histor- ic govt decisions. We are moving forward, it takes time. Many African nations are between a rock and a hard place, but governments still must improve and be held account- able for the decisions made.
KS: Lastly, are foreign investors getting their approach wrong? Should lending be focused in the private sector opposed to large scale Govt to Govt lending?
MC: It’s easier for foreign investors to do large scale govt to govt investments. African institutions aren’t quite strong enough for large scale private investments.
KS: The Dambisa Moyo book Dead Aid: What do you think?
MC: Yes! It was a great book, in my view Aid is tempo- rary relief to long term problems. These Aid models are created by outsiders who don’t have a vested interest in long term viability After a few short years, many tend to pack up and leave. Leaving local communities in a lurch. 15