Page 40 - Provoke Magazine Vol4
P. 40

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t
“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” - Malcolm X
   Today in the black communities they still suffer from a mental illness of being delusional to their own BS. Whether it is being the Pro Black “officer” or the Roundup Democrat/Liberals. Both parties are edu- cated in ways that could bring the White Amerikkka down, but let simple differences distract them from reaching the same goal. Many are so keyed into sep- arating one race into whose this, whose that, who has more drops of the blackberry in their blood and who doesn’t. Who suffers the most because one skin color is darker than others when in reality they are all still N!ggas to the outside world. Constantly belittling and testing each other’s educated values is one of the main reasons why moving forward as a unit will be difficult. Letting others determine whether you are woke or pro black enough shows just how “pro-black” one is. Just
because you partake in political voting doesn’t make you any less black, just like you, not voting doesn’t make you less educated. The biggest debate this year was not about who are your voting for, but why are you voting or not voting for. One party does not believe in help- ing the white man that does not have our best interest. The other party believes in voting for someone that is different than what they have had before. In the end, both parties want the same thing. How we are going about it separately we will not be able to progress in a
timely matter. Not saying to change your opinions but understand each other’s actions and figure out a way to progress as a unit.
Discussing each other’s opinions without discouraging one another could be the spark that they need to get the flames going. Getting on the same war plan and sticking to it will be the most beneficial thing they could do since the ’60s. Do not just get on the hype train and jump off when it is time to actually do some work or losing a cou- ple of fans. Being loyal into helping your community can make a difference. Do not only protest when the neigh- borhood black male gets shot by the white cop. Still, pro- test when they homie shoots up the block as well. Both are very wrong and the community can not afford to lose another warrior by the hands of others. There are many things the community can do to help improve each other. If you can meet up every weekend at the club or other un- educated scenes then you can make time to meet to help not only you and your family but the community as well. Educating each other on how politics work, how the gov- ernment works and how the law system is set up against blacks. Others get so mad at their own for not knowing but have to remember that most did not grow up with the correct information. Neither they nor their parents were educated the correct way. Hint why some still follow and believe what the white man says. Education is the founda- tion of recovery. Also once the majority of the communi- ty can stop competing with each other over materialistic things, and love each other and be proud of one another then some serious reconstruction can take place to this country. It is about priorities, where does yours lie with? Your likes and popularity or the health of your commu- nity? Ask yourself this question, if the United States was up for grabs right now, what race do you think could run this country politically and economically? Think about it. Until the community changes then the rest of the driven black advocates’ hard work would be for what?

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