Page 44 - Provoke Magazine Vol4
P. 44

were very much a part of hers through inspiring her to pursue her dreams with purpose.
Beyond the Eyes
The summer before her freshman year in high school was her best year; yet, meeting her best-friend Jrne; listen- ing to her mother to give swimming a try, and spending time with her big brother. Life changed in what seemed like in a blink of an eye. The eyes that once cried many tears of pain began to cry tears of joy. With the help of Coach Big Brother, trying out for the swim team earned her a spot on the varsity team as a freshman. Her best friend’s mother, a big wig with a local talent agency, got a glimpse of those baby blue eyes and signed her to ICON Talent Management. The tides turned at home, and she was starting to make her own leigh-way.
Intrigued with the concept of “having a vision for her future” she began looking into the idea of expectations and disappointments exhibited within her own family, which caused her to focus more on her academic stud- ies than friendships. Close to home role models: Mom & Dad. Mom spent time modeling. Dad, she contributes her resiliency to her dad for joining the navy, acquiring an education, and moving the family from South of Chicago to suburbia North Texas; as well as her mom for teaching her to be her own woman, set goals for herself, and be proud of who she is. Sometimes life throws you curve balls and she wishes when they do, you’ll grab a bat and hit them out of the park. The ball represents challenges, life goals, and things that distract you from what you are supposed to be doing... whatever that may be. She hopes to inspire young people to get through adversities and be open and honest about their challenges so others can be
Masako Mai
Born and raised in McKinney, TX; Sydney Marie Ross loves the life she lives. An open mind, open heart, and free spirit gives her the confidence to say yes. I can-yes I will-yes, yes, yes. Her eyes are the first thing you no- tice when she walks into the room. Big blue eyes with the blackest of pupils they can pierce your soul if you’re not careful, with so much emotion she sends forth life hoping to encourage someone to feel, to look, to be- come their personal best. In front of the camera, she translates deep passion connecting with the eyes of the onlooker. Walking into a room with her head held high and eyes wide open wearing a beautiful smile, she wipes the tears from her eyes as she still cries for those that were so mean to her in hopes that one day, they too will become the most beautiful person they can be in their mind, body, spirit. Life is sweet now, but she remembers the tears she sheds before arriving at this place in time.
She was picked on, called harsh names, and made to feel left out and awkward because she didn’t look like everyone else in grade school. At first, she became withdrawn, uninterested in daily activities, and unen- thusiastic about building new relationships. Sydney put a label on herself, shy. She would cry herself to sleep hoping that one day her eyes would not appear to be so big.
According to the science of psychiatry by the time you have reached age seven you are mentally and phys- ically equipped to understand and grow into living a successful life. Any trauma after the first seven years can be fixed through counseling, therapy, active recov- ery, etc. She misses not having her eldest sister around and her leaving taught her a valuable lesson at a very young age; work hard, expectations of others may lead to heartbreak, and forgive quickly. She then began to look within her community to discover role models that her sister was not able to fulfill and this is what she
   found without actually being a part of their lives they

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