Page 48 - Provoke Magazine Vol4
P. 48

 Love Lies
 My instincts never fail me, but I fail them all the time. -Sissy Gavrilaki By: Art Frazier
Wes and I agreed that I would stay a day after so that we could talk. I had never had as much anxiety as I did waiting for him to come back after sending the text that both girls had left, against their better judgment, without me. Finally, around 8:45 I saw the lights from his truck dart across the walls as he turned into our driveway. My phone rang; “Hello?” I answered. “Come outside.” He said coldly. I immediately felt regret that I stayed and he was still being such a cold-hearted jerk. I am done with him! I will get my answers and next semester there will be no more Luxe and Wes. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door to find out why the prince charming I thought I had was now a dreaded beast.
When I got in the truck it smelled like he was at the bar the entire time he waited for my friends to leave. “We aren’t leaving, are we?” I asked with concern.
“Yo! What’s up with you and all these f--king ques- tions? You act like you have never rode with me after the bar. You never questioned me buying you drinks even though you ain’t old enough and now suddenly you have these deep concerns for strangers. I really wish I would have smacked your friend before she got to you. I don’t need people all in my business.” He said all of that and never once looked at me. I felt defiant. I was pissed because I waited to make a late-night drive like my parents always asked me not to, just to sit here and be reprimanded like a child. “Ok, Wes, whatever it is that you are doing or dealing with, I don’t want any parts of it. There was a time I thought I could trust you but that’s gone. I am sorry we wasted the night to fail at a resolution. I’m going to go now!” I felt tears well up in my eyes and I turned to get out of the truck, sick of his poor communication skills. As soon as the I opened the door to step out I was jerked back in by my
“Bitch, don’t ever try to walk away from me! What type of clown do you take me for?” he snarled. I couldn’t even see him because I had squinted my eyes closed so tightly and the innermost part of me was hoping this was a joke, a dream. But the way my scalp was pulsat- ing, I knew it was very real. “Let me go, please. I just want to go home, we can talk after the break. We just need a break.” I sobbed. “Now you want to cry after you got in here talking sh!t like I was beneath you. I’ll snap your neck, stop playing with me, Lu.” He relaxed his grip, reached over and shut my door. I leaned back into the seat and rubbed the spot that was now throb- bing in the back of my head. “Since you want to know so much I am going to take you to my world. So you can see what ol’ Wes is up to when he isn’t kissing your good girl ass. Since you need answers.” He looked me in the eyes for the first time since I got in the truck. “Ain’t that what you want, is answers?” he shouted. “Yes!” I shouted back, now in a full-blown cry. I was in disbelief. Just a week ago he was the calmest and most respectful guy I knew on campus. Even if he was mys- terious in a sense; I liked him and he was good to me. The truck jerked into reverse and we pulled away from my house. I glanced back at how nicely we had set up our front yard and a part of me promised to come back to this, no matter what.
Ten minutes later we were on the highway that led out to the bar that all the college kids frequented and took an early right on a street that turned into a dirt road about a mile and a half down. I had never been this way but I was set on being quiet during the ride, newly despising the country music he loved to play af- ter he had been drinking. We finally hooked a left at an oddly placed fork and an old trailer came into view. He threw the truck in park and ordered me, “stay right here I won’t take long.” He climbed out of the truck and
hair. “Ohhhhhh, Weston what the f--k!?” I shrieked.

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