Page 33 - Provoke-Vol1
P. 33

 Sex! What Else Is There?
Everything within a marriage or a functioning relation- ship revolves around or comes back to sex and here’s proof. Let’s take a husband and wife or two people who are living together. Both work full time jobs on the first shift. If you work full time, you can easily dedicate at least 12 hours per day to your job. Waking up, getting dressed, driving to work, working eight hours, and taking lunch and breaks. If you’ve been married or lived together and have
a child, you can spend another 5 hours helping with homework, driving to and from sports practices, going to the gym, choir prac- tice and bible study, watching your favorite TV shows, and talking on the phone. Let’s do the math:
12 hours for work + 5 hours recreational time = 17 hours
Most people try to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night so they can function
properly the next day. Ok let’s do the math again:
12 hours for work + 5 hours recreational time + 6 hours of sleep =
23 hours
With only 24 hours in a day, that leaves only 1 hour a day for a couple to have quality time. So within a couple’s regular rou- tine, where do most couples meet for one on one time? Yes, you’ve guessed correctly, the BEDROOM! Both are preparing to assist their mate in their quest to fall asleep as soon as possible. Yes assist each other, because we all know that nothing can put you to sleep faster than an orgasm. This sex is all about speedy gratification because the morning comes fast. He knows where and how to touch her, she knows where and how to touch him. Afterwards, he drinks from the glass first
while she turns on the fan. He then passes the cup to her. She drinks a little and then gives it back, they both get comfortable and go to sleep.
In summary, during a couple’s regular routine, there’s not much time for any
thing else but sex.

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