Page 38 - Provoke-Vol1
P. 38

Destany Jana
I tried to get a story out of her about hanging up- side down and her shirt getting caught and she was afraid for everything for a few seconds but she didn’t have any horror stories and when I asked if she had any complex or difficult to pull off sets she told me she doesn’t find anything difficult when shooting as long as the vibes are right. There was this one guy, he was a creep, but the shoot its self wasn’t hard. Hey guys, don’t be perverted while working!
Modeling has given me confidence and the courage to step out. I have been in acting class and that gives you a different type of confidence. Doing all of this has changed who I am as a person because you get to see yourself, you have no choice but to change. You must be vocal and confident at the same time.
On top of her stunning looks and compelling de- meanor, Destany navigates daily in a same sex rela- tionship which she says puts two things against her; it’s like you’re black and then you’re gay. Its only weird when people make it weird. We are both girly, so peo- ple think we are going to put on a show or they don’t take us for a couple. People say things and do things and I’ve witnessed someone being hit just because she was gay. We wouldn’t choose to do this for the hell of it.
To end, I asked Destany what she wanted to tell that person that may still be in doubt or holding off on their dream and she says, just do it, just go for it. I have let procrastination and anxiety get the best of me. But it’s never too late to start your journey, just go for it. She says to remember they will count you out, but there are people that faced real struggles and they still made it through.
Get out there! The world needs a you!

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