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    Weall know how the story goes: black man is shot, the crowd goes wild and a few months after paid leave, the cop is cleared. It’s a storyline as problematic and drawn out as any villain’s in a suspense movie. To add injury to insult when someone exerts their “American” rights to freedom of speech and peaceful protest they are met with more policies.
With football season being a beloved American pastime, everyone debates who will win each Super Bowl all year! Before this season began we were informed that despite Kaepernick’s best efforts, his movement was ultimately shut down by NFL agents and owners. Meet- ings were held that laid out specific rules and regulations in regards to player conduct during opening ceremonies of each game. Not only are the players restricted from respectfully kneeling during the national anthem; they can’t come onto the field if they don’t intend to salute the flag. How familiar does it sound that as a black man, because let’s be honest; had this movement appealed to the white crowd the kneeling would have been praised, you stand with us despite the humiliation it serves to dishonor yourself or you step to the back where others can’t see you. To the back, where you can’t be heard. How many times will we be told that we are unimportant other than for purposes of others gain and pleasures?
Let’s review a visual comparison of how black men have had to stand in defeat while others make a fuss over how they will make profit from black bodies. Bodies that have no rights of their own, only to stand, jump, dance and play, despite inner defeat:
Sure, America has changed somewhat. As you can see there are several races included in the second picture, but answer for yourself who holds the most stake in the best performance of the one who is being watched.
More times than not I am met with conflict in this conversation where people will say, “As an employee you do what the employer asks; there are rules to follow and standards to be upheld.” This is all true, however, most employers won’t subject you to concussion and hur- ry you back in for work. Highly due to liabilities and more so for general concern of their staffs well-being. Employers don’t knowingly employ wife beaters either. How often are average workers hired back on after drug or alcohol binges and making a public spectacle of themselves? In the league, the only requirement to get back to business is to publically apologize. I haven’t saluted the flag since my freshman year of high school, in 2000. I didn’t see the need in it and after discussing with my grandfather, who is a vet, he said, I find it more admirable that you respected my efforts enough to ask how it would make me feel. His advice was if it made me feel better to pray during that time then do it, the flag never fought. Imagine had I had been reprimanded for choosing to stand in prayer each time someone saw me. That was only my personal journey. Imagine had I known the pressure associated with doing this for a just cause from my heart because I had the platform. When it is all said and done this has nothing to do with politics or the flag or even football. This is a clear representation of how black bodies are still being governed. Society today holds no value for moral conduct, in fact you can disgrace your whole soul, for the obtainment of money.
What is my resolution, you ask?
For every black man that puts on an official jersey, stand together. Stand for the unjustly slain, the brothers who have been unduly chained and locked away. What are the odds that they will send every single one of you packing? What are the odds that if you finally became the example we all need, we may very well rise how we should?
Ball game.
     Andrea R. Pernell

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