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  There’s no one more Admittedly STEADFAST in their Religious belief, No one quicker to defend their choice of religion from the other 4200 RELIGIONS that exist by quoting the scriptures from their Religion’s GOOD BOOK during debates, There’s Absolutely no one more UNINFORMED and COMPLETELY Clueless about the TEXT within the book that which they have sworn to be their belief and spiritual guidelines in the life they lead to guarantee their salvation than the “SERMON SAVVY SAINT!”
THE SERMON SAVVY SAINT More than half have read little or none of the bible, reports LifeWay Re- search. The only time most Americans hear from the Bible is when someone else is reading it, and most are only exposed to the PURPOSELY selected PRO- GRAMMING verses and scriptures of the bible... Those same verses and scriptures of the bible that were select- ed by the white folks that gave it to your ancestors while whipping and beating them during the CONVERTING TO SERVITUDE PROCESS aka A SLAVE and into a Christian at same time.... To prevent having to whip and beat new generation into being mental slaves they selected scriptures for future american blacks to pass down like:
Proverbs 22:6 - 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart.
The Sermon
Savvy Saint!
-Kenneth Marshall
Trust me these so call “I have a personal relationship with Jesus” bible quoting, HOLY weekend SERMON SAVVY SAINTS.... MAY HAVE studied certain scrip- tures after being told WHICH scriptures to study... The LifeWay Research survey of 1,000 people found dispa- rate approaches to the Christian Scriptures. For instance, Northeasterners are less likely to give it a look than peo- ple in other regions. And men are less inclined than women to pick it up.
One in 5 Americans have read the entire Bible at least once — including 9 percent who’ve read it through mul- tiple times. Just over half (53 percent) have read relatively little of it, and 1 in 10 haven’t read it at all. Christians, who make up a majority of U.S. adults (71%), are divided over how to interpret the Bible. While about four-in-ten Christians (39%) say the Bible’s text is the word of God and should be taken literally, 36% say it should not be interpreted literally or express another or no opinion. A separate 18% of Christians view the Bible as a book writ- ten by men, not God. More than half of black people in the U.S. (54%) – both Christian and non- Christian – say they read the Bible or other holy scripture at least once a week outside of religious services, compared with 32% of whites and 38% of Hispanics, according to data from the 2014 Religious Landscape Study. Indeed, relatively few black people (24%) say they seldom or never read the Bi-

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