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                          Happy Christmas!
Festive Dining Feature
Due to recent restrictions for the hospitality industry, we are moving this feature to an additional supplement that will be issued after 11th December.
We invite Hotels and Restaurants to be included as an listing FREE OFCHARGE.Ifyouare interested contact
Julie by email.
                                  Dear Members,
Arewethereyet? Wellwearealotclosertogettingbacktosome form of normality in our lives. With the new COVID 19 vaccine news and Santa starting to prepare for the big day, thankfully 2020willbeoverinafewweeks’time. Welldonetoallofusfor riding out the storm and keeping positive, most of the time!
When the group was created in July, my goal was to ‘give back’, help make a positive difference and support my fellow citizens of Northern Ireland – we are a big extended family after all. Charity starts at home, and the Team and I continue to offer our supporttorelevantbusinessesandcharitableorganisations. In this issue we have offered a platform to charity Aware NI as mentalhealthhasbeenahugeconcernthisyear. Wehavealso offered new charity Together NI, a ‘social supermarket’ for those inneed,theopportunitytohighlighttheircause. TogetherNIare one of many organisations trying to help and look after those vulnerable in our society. Finally, Crosskeenan Animal Sanctuary, not only to highlight their amazing work but to also support the animals’ welfare as they have many mouths to feed.
In this Christmas Issue we are so delighted to welcome our own amazing NI entertainer Peter Corry and his creatively talented wife Fleur Natacha Mellor to be guest contributors. They’ll give us an overview of how their business has been affected by the impact of the COVID crisis this year, and what genius ideas they have come up with to fight against the uncertainty of their industry.
Ciara Hedgcock, our very own Tour Guide, reports on her almost impossible mission to enjoy a day in Belfast City on a budget of £20 and with the COVID restrictions in place. What a challenge! Michelle Davis, our accommodation expert from StaycationsNI, has identified the best of the best accommodation deals out there this Christmas and New Year.
That is not all. We are introducing both a fashion feature and a Christmas baking feature into this issue. Samara Prentice, who runsEvolvebySamara, isverypassionateabouthelpingus
styleourselvesthisChristmaswiththeclotheswealreadyhave hanging in our wardrobes and Head Chef , Graham McClements who has written a few special baking recipes for us to whip up thisChristmas.
Lastly, we have a fantastic list of ‘What’s On This Christmas’ highlighting a range of festive Christmas experiences across NI for all the family. Finally, we have a special feature highlighting some of the best Gift Vouchers on offer.
So, my final words are a huge thank you to you all for believing in NO PLACE like OUR PLACE (NI) and OUR VIBE NI, and joining as members. Thankyoualsotothebusinessesthatfindustobea worthy platform and resource for promoting their products and services.
Thank you to my amazing team Clark Warden, Thunk Creative, who is the creative talent and graphic designer behind Our Vibe NI and all the stunning graphics you see on the group. Thank you to Kerry Fitzsimmons who helps with our group admin, researches the ‘what’s on’ and writes such informative articles. The Team are very much behind the vision and group strategy goingforwardinto2021. KeepSHARING...CARING... SUPPORTING...PROMOTING.
I think we should all have the best Christmas ever and pat ourselves on the back for getting there!
Julie Fitzsimmons, Editor.
Creator of No Place Like Our Place and Our Vibe digital magazine.
     Meet our contributors...
Graphic design and content contributor.
Fashion & style content contributor.
StaycationsNI content contributor.
Entertainment content contributor.
Assistant editor and content contributor.
Entertainment content contributor.
Tour Guide and content contributor.
Office entertainer.
        All information contained in this digital magazine is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at time of publication. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them. This digital magazine is fully independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned herein. If you submit material to us, you warrant that you own the material and/or have the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and you automatically grant Our Vibe a licence to publish your submission in whole or in part in any/all issues and on associated websites, social media channels and associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, although every care is taken, Our Vibe shall not be liable for loss or damage. We assume all unsolicited material is for publication unless otherwise stated, and reserve the right to edit, amend, adapt all submissions.
            OUR VIBE NI - CHRISTMAS 2020 3
                 OUR VIBE digital magazine designed by Thunk Creative Design

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