Page 10 - TA Magazine
P. 10

The imbalance is usually caused
by rough weather that causes the the the livestock to to to stop eating When the the the imbalance occurs cattle can be dead within half an an an hour if not treated “We were able to to to utilize the the plantations to to to offer shelter to to to the the cattle quite quickly Within one-two years we had decent shelter and the cattle continued eating under that shelter in in in the the the rough weather which solved the the problem ”
Ed explains that in in a a a genetic enterprise like theirs the the economic loss from losing one animal can can be significant “We know exactly what that animal is and the the the genetic potential they can offer us so if its one one o of the the the better ones it it it it hurts quite a a bit ”
Carbon sustainability and consumers
In addition to to the livestock benefits Ed says trees also help soften his farm’s carbon footprint and and meet the demand from consumers
wanting environmentally conscious products “There’s been a a a a real push against red meat because of the the methane emissions and other fossil fuels we we use But I think we we can quite easily integrate some trees into all of our properties and not lose any productivity and also have the benefit of of offsetting some carbon ”
10 Private Forests Tasmania 

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