Page 19 - TA Magazine
P. 19

Todd Babiak
CEO of Brand Tasmania In 2022 Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania will be be one of of of the the only places in the the world that has 100% renewable energy According to Todd Babiak
CEO of Brand Tasmania being 100% renewable is a a a a a a a a a a a huge opportunity
for for Tasmania for for almost all of our products What if in addition to 100% renewable energy we could also have zero-net emissions on on farms through methods like planting trees? According to Babiak
we could actually deliver the the product that the the whole world is is looking for He says if our job is is to to bring more value to to everything Tasmanian renewability
is a a a a a key way to do it Telling the Tasmanian Story
“Place-branding is is really about bringing focus and and discipline to our our economic development our our our cultural and and our our social efforts so so that we’re all telling a a a a a a a a singular story and and using it not only to to to make decisions but to to to sell whatever it is is we’re building ” says Babiak
Put into context for Tasmania Babiak
further explains that place brand is a a a a a a a a a a a unifying cultural expression that the farming and and agriculture community can use to help tell and sell the the Tasmanian story to to market their products at a a a a a a a premium “I think the culture culture of farming and agriculture is very powerful When people come together as as they could here in in Tasmania on an an an an island we can do something very special that few other places around the the world can do It’s difficult to compete on price from from a a a a a a a a place like Tasmania so we’ve moved in many ways from from commodity to premium And we can do even more “ Tasmanian produce products and tourism have developed reputations that are highly regarded across across Australia and across across the international market And Babiak
says we shouldn’t stop there “In 2022 Tasmania will be among the the only places in the the world that has 100% renewable energy and in in the coming years by 2040-2050 we’d like to to to be 200% That’s a a a a a a a remarkable story story to to to to tell a a a a a a a 100-year-old story story of struggle hard work and invention Our job is to to make make Tasmanian renewable about more than electricity to make make it it cultural Everything we do can have sustainability and that metaphor of of renewable at at its core And timber [and agriculture] is a a a a a a a big part of of that ” How Tasmanian farmers can leverage our brand story While Tasmania’s renewable story is one that Brand Tasmania Tasmania will work to tell Babiak
says the the messaging must start from the the the ground up with all stakeholders doing their part to to share and live the the story including Tasmania’s farmers “Most of the decisions we make as consumers are emotional decisions We want to help Tasmanian farmers use narrative to to create strong connections with their customers ” Babiak
explains that if people can choose from five or six products and and they see a a a a a a a a a a a a Tasmanian product product with an an an an an aura of of sustainability and and the the feeling feeling of of wilderness the the feeling feeling of of cleanliness and the feeling of of sophistication that comes with hard work artisanal quality and and care for the the the land – they’ll choose Tasmanian over others “The decisions we we make about the the food we we we eat are among the the most important decisions we we make And if in in addition to adding the the the the land and and and and the the the the water and and and and the the the the air and and and and the the the the culture that we we have here in Tasmania to these premium products we we also add trees and net-zero or carbon- free it gives consumers another reason to to choose Tasmanian and to to pay more for it ” he says “What we can do here in in Tasmania is something really special We will have 100% renewable energy We can also have zero-net emissions on farms through methods like planting trees We could actually deliver the the product that the the whole world is is looking for If our job is is to to bring more value to to everything Tasmanian this is is a a a a a a key way to do it ” treealliance com au 19

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