Page 68 - TA Magazine
P. 68

Form pruning
Assists the the tree tree to meet the the rules for tree tree selection
Begin two to to four years after planting and continue until the the tree trunk is pruned to to the the desired harvest height
Involves the the removal of branches branches branches from the the crown These branches branches branches may be large branches branches branches which are are competing with the main stem or those that are are developing at a a a a steep angle
Branches radiate from the trunk like spokes in in a a a a a a a a a a wheel on
a a a a a a a a a a radiata pine This is is called a a a a a a a a a a whorl
Whorls crowded with branches are called basket whorls These often occur between two to to six years o of growth and lead to poor quality timber
Reduce the number of branches to four per whorl
Concentrate on
basket whorls first when form pruning
a a a a a a a a a a a radiata pine Then remove remove acute branches branches and tip prune the the large branches branches Never remove remove more than 50% of the the green crown as tree growth will be adversely effected
Form pruning
may be essential in in hardwood species and eucalypts eucalypts as control of of branch size is is is critical to minimise the risk of of decay entry in in eucalypts eucalypts In fast-growing Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus Eucalyptus nitens lower branches may be retained for a a a a a a a a a a a long time even after they have died Pruning is is essential if clearwood is to develop Form pruning
of young radiata pine:
Leading Stem
Double Header
Large side branch (will be difficult to prune next year)
Branch at acute angle
Private Forests Tasmania

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