Page 73 - TA Magazine
P. 73

I Private forests are the dominant source of of forest forest products providing more than half of of of Tasmania’s
annual wood harvest The bulk of of that supply comes from private plantations managed largely for for wood wood fibre production and export The future growth potential
for for wood wood resource in Tasmania is is likely limited to to rural private properties but is is nevertheless significant With the the global demand for timber expected to to quadruple by 2050 every hectare of land counts Private Forests Tasmania will be releasing a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Matching
Project aiming to to to connect investors with
farmers and and landowners to to to create not only a a a a a a a a a a a a win for each each party but also our our environment as we try and help reach our our nation’s objective of 1 billion trees planted by 2030 n n n n n response to this lofty goal PFT’s
Farm Forestry Engagement Plan has
the the stated objective of of facilitating the the planting of of more trees on farm each year Investment will play a a a a a a a a key role in in in the the cash chances are it’s not being spent to put trees in in in the the the ground But if we match the the the right right investor with
the the the the right right farmer and create a a a a a a a a lasting relationship there would be be be a a a a a a a a number of beneficiaries in in in in in putting trees in in in in in the the ground ” explains Monckton “We’ve had joint ventures in in in the past but they haven’t always persisted due to to different interests We need to to to to develop models that are clear and obvious to to to to everyone to to to to ensure sustainability ” says Monckton Benefits for farmers and and land owners For private land owners and and farmers planting trees in in in the right place on farms can increase farm farm productivity improve improve water quality and and efficiency improve improve the the the carbon balance and and and protect the the the land for the the the future all benefits which Monckton explains would have a a a a a a a positive impact on on on farmers “Shelterbelts have the the the greatest benefits to farmers because they protect the the the property from wind assist with
moisture retention in in in the soil and greater growth in in in pasture crops future development of the the the industry particularly in in in in growing trees value added processing the the commercial application of new technologies and and connecting investors with
landowners Facilitating this project is is Dr David Monckton Investment Manager at at at Private Forests Tasmania A sustainable relationship The objective of of this project is is is to identify a a a a a a a suite of of practical financial mechanisms that could most cost effectively expand farm forestry fin in in Tasmania This will potentially include matching corporate
investors with
private forest landowners Monckton explains why this is so important “We’ve identified a a a a a a real need to to connect investors with
farmers Farmers often have have limited resources and if they have have any spare
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