Page 57 - Proof
P. 57

 Sometimes confusing things happen and can make us feel worried, sad or angry. Here is a story of a time this happened to Ed.
Ed is in the park –
and sees Fred walking down the street outside. Ed feels really excited – he
was hoping to have someone to play
with - and starts shouting and waving. But Fred doesn’t wave back and carries on down the street...
Ed can’t understand – Fred normally loves hanging out with him. He starts worrying about how he might have upset him, what he might have done. He feels really sad and doesn’t feel like eating his dinner.
Ed sees Fred the next day – and tells him that he is feeling a bit sad and confused because he didn’t answer him or come and play in the park..
Ah – looks like you jumped to a conclusion! Come on, shall we go and play football ?
But are you sure you have got all the information? she asks. Why don’t you check out with Fred – go and speak to him. There might be a simple explanation?
Oh! Now I see there is a different way of looking at things. Now I think of it the traffic was really loud...and you were quite far away!
Oh Ed! I didn’t see you, or hear you! I would have loved to play with you in the park!
But I was shouting your name really loudly.
I thought you were ignoring me.
Chloe notices that Ed seems sad. She asks him what is up? Ed tells her what has happened. He tells her he is really worried that Fred doesn’t like him anymore. Chloe has a think...
Remember, if something is making you feel sad, worried or angry – it’s a good idea to remember things aren’t always as they seem. CHECK IT OUT by talking to someone.

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