Page 7 - The Addie
P. 7

                                                         SETTLEMENT SUMMARY
A Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release was approved on September 24, 2018 at the Rob Roy Home Owner’s Association (RRHOA) Board of Directors meeting between the Seller and RRHOA. The agreement is currently being circulated for signatures with all parties.
A dispute existed as to the potential use, development, and restrictions applicable to the purchase property (The Addie) and an adjoining lot in the Rob Roy subdivision. The Seller was intending to use a Rob Roy lot for disposal of treated e uent from an onsite wastewater treatment plant. The RRHOA objected to that use which resulted in a lawsuit being  led.
The parties have agreed to settle their disputes, lawsuit and appeals with the Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release which will a ect The Addie. A copy of the agreement is attached for review.
Summary of the major restrictions that will apply to The Addie: (None of restrictions adversely a ect Legacy’s current plans for developing the property)
    Pantone 772652C Pantone 769
Pantone 7762C Pantone 725 Pantone 769
1) Development of the property is restricted to one of two options: a) O ce Development-a general o ce development that does not exceed 88,000 Square feet.
2) Townhome/ Condominium Development- a Maximum of 50 luxury townhomes or condominiums.
3) Property is NOT subject to the RRHOA restrictions and lies outside the RRHOA jurisdiction. RRHOA will not oppose the development approvals on the property or improvements.
4) No spreading of treated e uent will be used on any property in RRHOA.
5) Immediately following the issuance of a building permit a 5’ tall chain length fence will be constructed along the adjacent property line.
Exterior Character
Reference Imagery 14
August 21, 2018
Note: Maps and imagery contained in this package are intended for informational and illustrative purposes only. Concept imagery, plans, uses, zoning, amenities, features, availability, acreage, sizes, dates, vehicle counts, listed owners/ tenants, and other elements are subject to change by Legacy DCS or its affiliates without notice, and shall not be relied upon. Architect: David S Williams #25041 *NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION.
Note: Maps and imagery contained in this package are intended for informational and illustrative purposes only. Concept imagery, plans, uses, zoning, amenities, features, availability, acreage, sizes, dates, vehicle counts, listed tenants, and other elements are subject to change by Legacy DCS or its affiliates without notice, and shall not be relied upon. Architect: David S Williams #25041 *NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCT

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