Page 2 - Royal Mail 10.04.18
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The History Lesson
Andrew Cafe publican of the Royal Mail for over thirty years
Depending on
which historical account you read there has been a a a a a a a a a Royal Mail Hotel at Goodna since the the 1860’s Located on
Brisbane Terrace a a a a a a a a a beautiful street lined with Jacaranda trees which was once the main highway between Ipswich and and and and Brisbane and and and and one of of only a a a a a a a a handful
of of stopping points for the Cobb and and and and and Co Co coaches travelling to to and and from Brisbane Some of the the trees lining Brisbane Terrace and surrounding the the the hotel were planted during the the 1930’s Great Depression The area has become popular with visitors during the month of October each
year when the the the trees are in full bloom and and the the the locals celebrate the the the annual Jacaranda Festival Some historical records state that the 150 year old hotel was where many political disputes were settled from the the days when the the Cobb & Co Co coaches stopped at its door The hotel has a a a a a a a a a long history of of being an an integral part of of the the local community and that is just as as true today In the the the the 1974 ood ood the the the the pub was ooded up to to to the the the the rst oor but trading still went on
using the the the the top verandas and and became the the central meeting point for local residents at at that time Having just survived its 6th major ood ‘The Mail’ as it it is a a a a a a a ectionately known locally became the place where the the equally devastated locals came to to console and support each
other in their road to to recovery So there’s a a a a lot of of history embedded in the the the old timber walls of of of of the the the pub – and a a a a a a lot lot of of of music! 25 years
of of of live music music in in fact!
It’s seems only tting that ‘The Mail’s’
start as as a a a a a a a a a a stopping o o o o o o o point for travellers is still continuing today as as an essential stopping o o o o o o o o o o o point for touring Blues n
Roots musicians! Andrew Café the the the hotels owner for the the the last 25 years
together with his loyal patrons and sta sta have now established themselves around the the the nation as one of the the the the best live Blues n
Roots venues in Australia As a a a a wonderful testament to the the hotels reputation nationally blues artists and organisations around the country held events to to raise funds to to aid in The The Mail’s recovery from the recent 2011 oods The The album ‘Hard Rain’ with original tracks donated by some of Australia’s best loved Blues artists featured the the Royal Mail on
the the cover Andrew says that The Royal Mail has made it it it’s mission to foster a a a a a a a a a a a strong local music scene and and provide a a a a a band-friendly live music venue – “It’s our point of di erence”
Many many thanks go out to to all of the artists visitors locals friends and sta who make the Royal Mail what it it is is is – a a a a a a a a a a good old fashioned Aussie pub!

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