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Executive Director’s Message
By Dr. Carl M. Ladd
As I write this message to you, my
friends and
colleagues, we are
in the midst of a
worldwide crisis that
has forced us to
respond more
innovatively and
more rapidly to a
greater number of unforeseen situations than at any other time in our collective memory. To say that we have been in an emergency response mode for several months is clearly an understatement. The work that has been done to meet the needs of students, families, staff and communities by educators and educational leaders across New Hampshire in a very short period of time under incredible circumstances has been nothing short of heroic.
In a time of great social, political, and economic upheaval, it may feel like the safe and wise course to respond only to the crisis at hand and to not think or plan too far ahead because the future is so uncertain. While that is certainly understandable, it could be argued, however, that it is precisely during these times when we need to be most focused on the future.
Times of crisis often present incredible opportunities for learning. How we respond to these opportunities in this ever-changing landscape will determine how well we are positioned to meet the future – for our communities, students, and for public education in general.
As I’ve grappled with some of these same issues and challenges on behalf of our Association and looking toward supporting all of you, I have found myself reflecting on Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset in terms of future forward thinking, planning, and reflecting.
Julian Kent, a noted author and speaker, has referenced a number of growth mindset questions to consider based on Dweck’s work. The most critical and overarching question is, “What does this make possible?”. Instead of thinking about the limitations of our current situation, this question
pushes us to think about possibilities. Just the act of reflecting on this question as an administrative team, faculty, or board can reveal great potential for innovation and growth.
As we know, the quality of the answers we get are determined by the quality of the questions we ask. Asking questions that focus on a growth versus a fixed mindset will allow for deeper reflection and insights. Kent raises a number of questions that may help to sharpen our thinking and focus on the future as well as respond to the current situation. I know they have helped me during these times.
Growth Mindset Questions:
1) What have we learned in this crisis?
2) What is something we’re currently doing that we
need to do more of?
3) What is still in my control?
4) What is the most important thing I can do today?
5) How will I run at this decision instead of running
away from it?
6) How can this prepare us for the next challenge?
7) What can we do to make this a new beginning for
Times of crisis often present incredible
opportunities for learning. How we respond to these opportunities in this ever-changing landscape will faculty, or board can reveal great potential
for innovation and growth.
While none of these questions in and of
themselves are earth shattering or revolutionary, they can be a guide for reflection and growth for us both personally and professionally. In a time of uncertainty and chaos, we have the opportunity to turn our greatest adversities into our greatest advances. I can think of no other group who is better able and equipped to meet this moment and to help shape an amazing future for our students and families than all of the public education leaders in our state – work that you’ve all been doing admirably and heroically.
I wish you well during these turbulent times, and please know that NHSAA continues to stand ready to assist you in any way possible as you grapple with moving forward into an uncertain, but potentially exciting and rewarding, new future.
As always, I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Be well, Carl