Page 9 - Microsoft Word - Spring 2020Newsletter.docx
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Page 9 CHAMPIONS FOR CHILDREN Spring 2020 Participant Experience:
Besides our popular keynote speakers, new to the conference this year were Solution Partner 30- minute presentations and round-table discussions that were a big hit! The week was kicked off by some cool and innovative BYOD and MITI sessions, in addition a huge snowstorm courtesy of Mother Nature! In true new England fashion, our attendees braved the elements and learning and fun was had by all.
Also new this year was a daily keynote luncheon in the Armory, which was also home to our popular Learning Booths and Student and Teacher Showcases. 2019 also saw a change in venue for the Solution Partner pavilion and Registration desks, making everything more centrally located for your conference experience! We strive to make each year better than the last.
We look forward to seeing you at CMTC 2020!
Top left: Tom Plati, Director of Instructional Technology, Marlborough Public Schools, & District Team
Top right: Oliva "LivBit" Van Ledtje, Keynote Day 1
Bottom left: Lindsay DeLong, Sphero, Demos Product for Attendee Bottom right: Heather Raab, Librarian, Portsmouth High School