Page 114 - Overthrow_Black&WhiteVersion
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             The Democratiser seeks to create marketing communications that, in the minds of the consumer, ‘herald a new era’ for this category. That which seemed impossible to access
in the past is now fully available for all.
The two ideal outcomes that come from
a successful Democratiser narrative are
a demystification of the category’s previous excessive nature, and the masses fired up with a new sense of justice and entitlement. From a communications standpoint, this means that PR and newsworthy stories will move to the fore
in any marketing mix.
Inevitably, a social mission is embedded within this brand strategy. Social channels allow fans to share their delight at having new access to products and services previously thought to be out of reach. The resulting noise recruits more advocates, excluded by other bands within the category, keen to experience this new sense
of access.
Next up in the media hierarchy is likely to be broad-reaching traditional channels. This is
to broadcast the message to all, and to convey a sense of a product or service now being part of mass culture and not just exclusive groups.

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