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P. 126

            What’s the most powerful example of BrewDog’s irreverent nature for you?
JAMES: There have been so many over the years, but one that we still love is our reaction to the Portman Group’s ruling that some text on our bottles of Dead Pony Club breached alcohol marketing rules. We issued a formal apology for not giving a shit about this ruling or anything that the Portman Group had to say, describing them as a ‘gloomy gaggle of killjoy jobsworths, funded by navel-gazing international drinks giants.’
We don’t take direction from a toothless organisation fuelled by the big breweries that are threatened by the power of the craft beer revolution and its community. It definitely
felt good.
SOPHIE: One of the earliest and most well known was when BrewDog was refused funding from various banks, and so James and Martin Dickie (BrewDog’s founders) decided to launch a crowd- funding platform called Equity for Punks. In order to announce that, they hired a tank for £400, drove it around the City of London past all the banks that refused to give them money, and did that as a way to launch the campaign.

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