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            and some fricking guy at the warehouse would maybe pack it up. But that’s not what we did.
Kevin would call me. I would drive to the warehouse. I would pack the shirts up, I would drive to FedEx
by midnight, make sure it got on the plane. I’d put
a handwritten note in it. Kevin would call the guy or fly or drive and be there when the package arrived and made sure it got in their hands. They were like, ‘Holy shit, these guys are nuts. I’m just going to wear the shirt because they’re crazy.’
We did that scenario hundreds of times – brilliantly, flawlessly. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
The other advantage we had against the bigger guys was in manufacturing.
The big companies, they were horrible partners
to manufacturers: ‘Give me a cheaper cost. Give
me a new location. Give me cheaper labour. I don’t want to be in this country – move me to this country because I heard that the labour rate went down
10 cents.’
We came in and said, ‘No, we want innovation and quality. We want your best, most expensive facility. We just need to make sure 100% of it shows up on time, and we never have a quality issue.’
150 Feisty Underdog

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