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              An Overview
Dramatic Disruptor
The Dramatic Disruptor is the spiritual child of Silicon Valley’s love of 10x superiority, rather than Clayton Christensen’s original definition of a value disruptor. It is a challenger with a product or service offer so significantly superior to the incumbent
in some key dimension that it drives trial, at least initially, through interest in product intrinsics
as much as brand appeal – and dramatises that difference in its communications and packaging.
We might think of this kind of dramatic superiority as primarily the province of tech brands – think
of your first reaction to the visual ease of the
Uber app, or the brilliance of the Tinder Swipe. But the last few years have also seen a new group of DTC challengers making inroads in established industries, using their lack of physical stores not as a barrier to trial but as a stimulus to advantage. Look at Casper’s step change in convenient accessibility: an affordable, good quality king-size mattress squeezed – startlingly – into a box, with a 100-night money back guarantee. Why would
I buy a mattress the way my parents did anymore?
Dialling up the drama here is as important as the product or service superiority itself, as Halo Top shows. Founded in 2012, and launched through conventional channels, it was an ice cream challenger that offered a product with a one-two punch of lower calories (75% less) and higher

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