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            How can you try to make yourself comfortable?
For something that you’re going to spend a third
of your life with and maybe only buy every 10 years, there had to be a better way to do that.
What did Casper offer that provided that ‘better’ way?
The founders had the foresight to say, ‘We
want to build a brand in a world that is inviting, approachable, playful and transparent,’ all the things that the category wasn’t. The proposition from the get-go was dramatic. It was one universally comfortable mattress that made light of the jargon around soft, medium, and firm mattresses you see at traditional retailers. Ergonomically, 95% of humans should be sleeping on the same type
of mattress.
We had compression technology which no one had seen before, and many people were really sceptical about. How could you possibly compress and roll
a premium quality product into a box? That was alarming for people. Casper can probably claim credit for being one of the first companies to spawn the ‘unboxing’ phenomenon on YouTube that has now taken over many other categories. Then there was delivery to your door within two days,
or sometimes the same day.
I call Casper’s first disruption ‘the disruption of buying mattresses’. We offered one product SKU (stock keeping unit), which was so different at the
166 Dramatic Disruptor

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