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            to pay for a beer. In most of the countries where we operate that sits between 180–200 minutes, while in a country like South Africa, it would be on average 22 minutes.
We’re a leader in the market, and so Eagle was less about challenging something externally, and more about challenging ourselves as a company.
What specifically did you need to challenge about the way you would traditionally think or behave as a company to make Eagle possible?
The first thing we had to challenge was the idea that beer must to be made out of malt, hops, water and some maize to be refreshing. Clear beer has been made like that for centuries, but we needed to challenge that.
The second thing that we needed to challenge,
and I think this would apply for many corporates, was understanding that the solution doesn’t always lie within your control. Success wasn’t going to be about just putting a new product out and expecting the consumer to buy it. We had to co-create with the government to identify which crops were most suitable. We had to co-create with the communities to help them and to help us in planting those crops.
The Ugandan government wanted us to use the sorghum crop in Uganda, and the Mozambican government wanted us to develop cassava in Mozambique. Because we use local crops and
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