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             Overly pursuing a multi-faceted campaign to multiple segments, a brand can inadvertently sacrifice brand fame and limit the opportunity for harnessing social proof (the behavioural economic bias that says people are more inclined to behave in a certain way if they feel that everyone knows about it).
Pursuing relevance at the expense of creativity can make a brand feel small in stature as opposed to big, bold, confident and, crucially, unapologetic for their view of the world.
Technology Beneath the Surface
Advancements in technology represent significant opportunities for advertisers but it is often misused.
Those brands we have interviewed or studied as part of this book, who successfully use technology, tend to employ it in a way that feels very humanised.
The insurance company Lemonade has a sophisticated AI chatbot that uses very human language (asking “what stuff have you lost?” instead of saying “please list the items that have been lost or damaged” as is typical of many other insurers). This is a great example of using technology in innovative ways to make the experience more human, as opposed to more innovative.

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