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             Tom Klein, Chief Marketing Officer
The Interview
A Yellow Banana in a Sea of Blue – Mailchimp
There was a time when marketers saw B2B as
very different from B2C – a place where decisions were more rational, with little scope for challenger personality or emotional differentiators. Because, well, business is serious.
If Daniel Kahneman showed us we are not the rational decision makers we sometimes like
to think we are, Mailchimp’s success shows the potential of being Real & Human in a business environment – even to the point of being
‘a little weird’.
Here Tom Klein, Chief Marketing Officer of Mailchimp, talks about what it means to be yourself, and how Mailchimp became a yellow banana in a sea of blue.
What are the beliefs that drive you at Mailchimp?
Here at Mailchimp, we believe that being yourself makes all the difference. To be a Real & Human challenger, we need to connect with other human beings and that requires us to be our true self –
it drives pretty much everything we do, and helps us to connect people.
Tom Klein,
at Mailchimp’s headquarters in Atlanta.
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