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             We followed up with the ‘Brain’ campaign.
It was essentially a weird way to make marketing automation more accessible. We just played with the real and human dilemma that if you’re running a small business, there’s all kinds of stuff that you don’t know how to do, don’t want to do, would rather someone else did for you, and don’t really understand, but need to maintain control over.
I feel like marketing can be mysterious to people. Our role is to help them have the confidence
to put their heart into their communications, which leads to better marketing and improved connections with customers. We’re saying it’s okay to have personality, to be quirky and weird in your messaging.
Is it possible to define the ‘Mailchimp’ way? Is there a communication playbook, or is it simply an innate feeling?
The brand has always had confidence in its own voice. There’s no playbook. A lot of it comes from our founders, who have the freedom to go ‘burn some pancakes’ because we’re not responsible to any shareholders or venture capitalists.
We’re completely boot-strapped, so our confidence is more of a feeling. If we play it too safe, we’ll just end up looking like everybody else. So, we run the business with the professionalism and discipline of a public company, but with our entire focus on the customers and employees.
Mailchimp’s latest campaign promoting their expanded
offer beyond email marketing.
38 Real & Human

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