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             The Enlightened Zagger is the undisputed champion of bucking trends. It doesn’t do this purely for marketing effect; it does it out of an extraordinary perception of where the world has been hypnotised into following trends, which serve corporations more than they serve the people.
A true Zagger resists those trends and often uses humour to call them out, poking fun at the brands that embody those specific trends.
To do this, the media channels of choice are typically social channels, where the rapid creation of shareable content can be widely distributed in short turnaround times. Therefore, keeping a keen eye on competitors and a keen ear to the social whispers provides the fodder. Clever and creative copy provides the weapons.
Where budget permits, these brands will take their parodies of the trend setters into the mainstream. Using OOH typically, but other broadcast channels too, the Zagger openly challenges those trends and champions those that have seen the light.
When not mocking the competitors, a Zagger will try to create a dissonance between the brands it is fighting and its own brand, by using very different media channels, environments, sponsorships and endorsers. This all goes to serve the purpose of showing just how different it is to the rest. In short, it identifies the grip of the category and then does the reverse.

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