Page 18 - aha! Workshops At-a-Glance in FlipBuilder
P. 18

  Building a Bridges Collaborative
and Steering Committee
GOALS u Address all causes of poverty
u Provide a common language for addressing poverty
u Provide a comprehensive, coordinated approach to poverty
u Change policies
u Engage all classes, races, sectors, and
political persuasions in the work
Attraction to Bridges and Getting Ahead Concepts
   Apply the Ideas at a Personal Level
Create Critical Mass with Certified Bridges Trainers and Getting Ahead Facilitators
Apply the Concepts; Client/Employee Life Cycle Analysis/Elements
Innovate: Reduce Hassles and Create Cushions
Share Best Practices
Establish a Backbone Organization and Form a Bridges Steering Committee
Operate Above the Silos: Knock Down Barriers and Smooth Pathways
Form a Statewide Bridges Collaborative
All Classes, Races, Sectors, and Political Persuasions at the Table
  Change Policies at the City and County Level
Change Policies at the State Level
Create a community where everyone can live well.

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