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ASAP Swamp Index Special Reply Form TRIM SIZE: FOLDS: Cover: 4CP over k and 186 NOTES:
YES Richard, the ASAP Democrat Swamp Index is an invaluable tool that helps BRAND the Democrats in Wake up America
the House and Senate as radical, anti-God, anti-police, anti-American, violent, power-hungry socialist/Marxists the Democrats Want
who want to fundamentally change America forever. a One Party Socialist USA
I’d like to make a Special Gift to help FedUp PAC distribute this ASAP Democrat Swamp Index to targeted The ASAP (AOC, Schumer, And Pelosi)
states and districts where Democrats narrowly won their last election to educate voters on how radical their
Members of Congress voted in lockstep with AOC, Schumer, and Pelosi. Democrat “SWAMP INDEX” 2021 ™
This ASAP Swamp Index is just the tool we need to open the eyes of American voters to win back Congress in
2022, and not just by a few votes, but at least 50 in the House and at least 5 in the Senate.
Democrat Members of Congress’ votes compared to
q $25 q $50 q $100 q $250 q $500 q $1,000 Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
q $2,500 q $5,000 q My Best Gift $_____________ Senator Charles Schumer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
City_______________________________________ ST_____ Zip_________________
Please make your check payable to FedUp PAC.
Mail to: FedUp PAC, Attn: Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108.
You may also choose to donate via our secure website at:
To comply with Federal law, we must use our best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name,
mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per
calendar year.
Keep in mind, donations to FedUp PAC are not limited in amount, and corporate
contributions can be accepted. Donations are not tax deductible.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Democrat SWAMP INDEX
Employer: _____________________________________Occupation: ____________________________
Retired? ____ Yes ____ No
By submitting this form, I certify that:
1) I am a United States citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with permanent residence status Key Votes in 2021
(e.g., a “green card holder”).
2) This contribution is made from the funds of the donor identified above, and not those of another. The 117th Congress
3) Donor is not a foreign national who lacks permanent resident status in the United States.
4) This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor 1st Session, 2nd Half
(does not apply to personal contributions by subcontractors, employees, partners, shareholders or
officers of federal contractors).
5) This contribution is made on a credit or debit card of the donor listed above for which the donor
has legal obligation to pay and is not made on the card of another. A Project by FedUp PAC
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