Page 47 - Trade and Food Standards
P. 47

      Countries get most value from Codex when they prepare at the national level. It is essential for countries to invest in a system that allows them to identify and prioritize food safety and trade concerns. This can
be achieved by bringing together government health experts with officials of other government departments, such as agriculture, industry and trade, and representatives of consumers’ groups, and coordinating consultation among all these stakeholders.
by data justifying a particular concern, is in a strong position. A first phase of engagement with a Codex committee can be to contribute to the development of standards proposed by others – perhaps by offering technical expertise or language support by co-hosting an electronic working group. Once a country has gained experience with the mechanisms of standard development, it can begin to consider its own needs more closely. When considering developing a discussion paper or project document for new work, the country will need to focus on a range of factors. These include the purpose of the proposed standard, guideline or code of practice; its relevance and timeliness; its alignment with the Codex strategic objectives; the need for technical input; the availability of expert scientific advice; and a realistic time frame in which to complete the work.
Countries that have built effective engagement in Codex have demonstrated the remarkable strength to be harnessed within a coordinated and integrated system. In little over 20 years, some countries have shifted from only attending Codex meetings to co-hosting a session of a committee and even permanently hosting a commodity or general subject committee of particular interest or relevance to the country.
Preliminary steps, such as co-hosting a committee session, leading work in a committee working group, or developing draft standards between sessions, can be an effective way of learning how to operate from within the system as well as addressing a national food safety or trade concern.
Innovation and technology in Codex
The rapid modernization and implementation of innovative working practices in Codex has greatly facilitated active participation across committees.
                       Codex online web tools
                                                        The Codex Online Commenting System The Online Platform for Electronic
   allows members to submit national positions to develop and refine Codex texts in multiple languages in real time.
Working Groups provides a transparent and secure discussion forum to facilitate the work of committees between sessions.
     Part 2. The benefit of taking part 35

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