Page 18 - NMHBA Spring 2022
P. 18

                 In order to receive incentive checks at the end of the year from the NMHBA, ALL owners of NM Bred horses must be a current member of the Association.
The membership must be active no later than 90 days after a NM Bred horse finishes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.
All memberships are active until December 31st of the year paid, then must be reactivated. To continue to receive incentive checks in the following year, your membership must be renewed.
If you are unsure of whether or not your membership is active, please call the office at (505) 262-0224 to check.
  Should you need any assistance on filling out a form online, please call the office at (505) 262-0224 and we will be more than happy to help. Thank you!
All our forms are accessible online. You can fill out and even pay for the forms you need right on our website. If you go to nmhorsebreeders. com, click on All Forms under Quick Links on the left side of the home page. The Online Forms will populate in a new window. You can also find a downloadable PDF version as well.
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