Page 9 - Speedhorse 2018 Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale
P. 9
This filly is a half-sister to Champion WAHOO SI 102 ($166,425). Her dam is a full sister to Champion & All American Derby-G1 Winner BRIMMERTON SI 104 ($519,538).
r profile: Disabled
February 21, 2017 Brown Filly
Colo Comp
This filly is a full sister to Champion & G1 Winner SIGNIFICANT HEART SI 98 ($257,292). Her dam is Ruidoso Futurity-G1 Winner JESS SIGNIFICANT SI 103 ($419,635).
18C40or1ona Cartel
February 25, 2017 Bay Filly
1st dam
FIRST TO CELEBRATE, by First Down Dash. Unraced. Sister to
BRIMMERTON SI 104. Damof 18 living foals of racing age (two unstarted
2 - y e a r - o l d s ) , 1 1 t o r a c e , 9 w i n n e r s , i n c l u d i n g –
r prWofAilHeO: ODisSaIb1le0d2 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). Champion Distance Horse, 8 wins
MasterSalls S., Governor’sCup Marathon S., 2nd Remington Distance H.
to 6, $166,425, Pauls Valley H. [G3], Remington Distance Challenge [G3],
[G3] twice, Paul’s Valley H. [G3], Lone Star DistanceChallenge,finalist in
Colo Comp
Colo Comp
the AQHA Distance Challenge Champ. S. [G1].
This colt is a full brother to Retama Juvenile Challenge Winner TALLULAH MOON SI 95 Aunti Up SI 102 (f. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 4, $39,787, 3rd TQHA Sires’
($87,C62u2p),Fhuatluf-rbitryot[hRe]r [toGS2t]a,kAeQs WHAinnMereDmAbReIrNPGluAsNSD. DASHING SI 103 ($67,292). C e l e b r a r S I 1 1 1 ( g . b y O n e F a m o u s E a g l e ) . 3 w i n s t o 4 , $ 3 2 , 1 6 0 , f i n a l i s t [ G 3 ] .
18412 18412 Corona Cartel
1O9pt4imystic SI 84 (f. by Ivory James). Placed to 3. Dam of– 194
MH Regardless SI 90 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 3, 2018, $21,516.
March 25, 2017 Gray Colt Corazonas (f. by One Famous Eagle). Unraced. Dam of–
1st dam
Nocturnes SI 93 (c. by Ivory James). Winner at 2, $19,631, qualified to Sam
HoustonFuturity [G2].
F u t u r i t y [ G 1 ] , 3 r d L u b b o c k S . [ G 3 ] , f i n a l i s t i n t h e A l l A m e r i c a n F u t u r i t y [ G 1 ] ,
JESS SIGNIFICANT SI 103, by Mr Jess Perry. 5 wins to 3, $419,635, Ruidoso
Karamia SI 80 (f. by Ivory James).Winnerin 2 starts at 2, 2018, $10,375. Rainbow Derby [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1]. Damof18living foals of
2nd dam
racing age (htree 2-year-olds, 2 ROM), 16 to race, 13 ROM, including– r profile: Disabled
FITTING CELEBRATION SI 110,byRonasRyon. Broodmare of the Year in
2004, 8 wins in 10 starts to 4, $47,775, Speedhorse Derby [R] [G2]-NTR. winsto5, $257,292, Mildred N Vessels MemorialH.[G1],PCQHRA
SIGNIFICANTHEAR T SI 98 (f. by Corona Cartel). ChampionAgedMare, 8
Half sister to Quack Attack SI 112 ($110,702 [G2]). Dam of 13 ROM, incl.–
Breeders Derby [G3], Miss Princess H. [G3], Las DamasH.[G3], Lanty’s
BRIMMERTON SI 104 (c. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 7 Jet S., Z Wayne Griffin Directors Stakes, 3rd Charger Bar H. [G2], Katella
wins in 12 starts to 3, $519,538, All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby This fillSy.i,,afgineaPlilsatceinDt.h-Ge2CWhianmnepriConAPoOf CDhEaCmApPioI SnIs1[0G81($].244,647).
[G1], Texas Derby Challenge [G3], finalist Texas Classic Fut. [G1]. Sire. HeCr dAaTmCiHs aBhIaLlLf-sYisTteHr tEo CKhIDamSpIio9n1 A(gB. WbyHFADT DA RDUyNnaNsEtRy)S. 3I 1w09in(s$1to,3542, ,$35892,7N3W1R, )in.
GONE CELEBRATING SI 109 (g. by Meter Me Gone). 8 wins to 6, $364,068, U.S. & Mexico, First Down Dash Derby.
The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Sam Houston Classic [G2], Classic Significant Runner SI 93 (f. by Foose). 4 wins to 3, $84,895, finalist in the 232 232
CCheovrolnetaSC. [Rar] t[eGl3], Heartbeat Of America H. [R] [G3], etc. 18408 18408
Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1].
MITFORD SI 109 (Ivory James). 9 wins to 5, $121,514, Alex Picov Champ.-NTR. Bao Bao SI 93 (g. by Valiant Hero). 2 wins to 3, $24,166.
March 28, 2017 Bay Filly
Benz SI 91. 2 wins to 3, $13,190, 3rd AQHRA Aged Series Champ. Sprint.
1st dam
2nd dam Splendifferous SI 104, by Mr JessPerry.2wins at2, $73,231, 2nd Los Feefees Celebration SI 98. 2 wins in 2 starts. Dam of NO FEES SI 94
SIGNIFICANT SPEED SI 106, by Duel Fuel. Champion3-Year-Old Filly, AlamitosDistaffChallenge [G3], Debutante S., finalist in the Golden State ($166,320 [R] [G1]); granddam of ZIP KODE SI 97 ($91,360), Sinuous SI
Champion Aged Mare, 13 wins to 5, $517,605, Dash for Cash Derby [G1],
Million Futurity [G1], Mildred Vessels H. [G1], Distaff Challenge Champ. 99($105,956 [G2]; dam of SO RAPIDO SI 98, 3 winsin6starts,$122,317 Rainbow Derby [G1], Refrigerator H. [G2], All American Gold Cup S. [G3],
[G1]. Sister to ETHICS ASIDE SI 106, SWEET OBLIVION SI 110, Differ- [G3]), Andorite SI 95 ($77,342 [G1]), Heavy Croozer SI 106.
6666 Ranch S., 2nd B.F. Phillips Jr. H. [R] [G3], 3rd All AmericanFuturity [G1], e n t l y S I 9 7 . D a m o f 6 f o a l s o f r a c i n g a g e , 5 t o r a c e , 3 w i n n e r s , i n c l u d i n g –
granddam of FIRST SWEET MIDNITE SI 102 ($151,621 [R] [G3]). [G1]), DASH MASTER JESS SI 103 ($275,697 [G2]), LIL FAMOUS DASH SI
Midnite Celebration SI 84. Winner. Dam of CEDAR CREEK SI 99 ($57,658);
All American Derby [G1]. Half sister to PUSH THE PACE SI 105 ($513,119 TALLULAH MOON SI 95 (f. by Corona Cartel). 5 wins to 4, $87,622, Retama
Juvenile Challenge, 2nd Los Alamitos Juvenile S., 3rd Stanton S., finalist Jess Celebrating (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed. GranddamofDUPONTESI 96
102 ($157,924 [G1]), SIGNIFICANT CARTEL SI 97 ($132,333), FRONT
in the Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1]. (Champion, $921,237 [G1]), NYMERIA SI 92 ($495,147 [G1]), RUNNING SPEED SI 105 ($73,542), GETTING EVEN SI 89 ($38,221),
DARING AND DASHING SI 103 (g. by First Down Dash). 5 wins to 6, SUNNYSYDE SI 102 (at 2, 2018, $433,361, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]).
Speed Transformed SI 105 ($84,553 [G2]), etc. Dam of 13 ROM, including– $67,292, The Tricky Dust S., 2nd Harris County 550 S., 3rd Remington
Fit To Celebrate. Dam of INTERESTING MAN SI 97 ($140,690 [G3]). JESS SIGNIFICANT SI 103 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above.
Distance Challenge [G3], Lone Star Distance Challenge. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.,
SO SIGNIFICANT SI 95 (f. by Relagate TB). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $103,708, La 2nd dam
EdPBruimrkeraMDilleiol nAnFouDt.,eGrboyld[Gen2]S, tDaatenaMPilloioint FSu.,t2. nd Huntington Beach S., 3rd Corona Cartel
DARING DIFFERENCE SI 102, by Victory Dash. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $329,000, AccrCeadlitfoerdniOakDlaishtaofmf CahBarlledn;gem[Gbr3y]o, ftirnaanlisfteSr oCal Derby [G1]. Dam RoGf–P 6/18 Heritage Place Fut. [G1], 2nd Remington Fut. [G1], finalist All American Fut.
Significant Choice SI 88. Winner to 3, $7,548. Dam of One Sweet Sign SI 1st dam
[G1]. Sister to Intrinsic Value SI 93; half sister to MR EYE OPENER SI 106 98 ($45,837, 2nd Lone Star Distaff Chlg., finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]).
A SHOT AT GLORY, by Strawfly Special. Unraced. Sister to Tough To Be ($202,978 [G1]-NTR), Miss Eye Opener SI 98 ($88,468 [G1]; dam of SPE-
Dividends Expected SI 101 (c. by Relagate TB). 6 wins to 5, ($43,738 USA), Humble SI 109. Dam of 15 foals of racing age (three 2-year-olds, 1 started), CIAL LEADER SI 103, World Champion, $292,605; granddam of SCRUTI-
inMexico,2ndMexicoChamp.Cha1l5lenge[G3],CampeonatoJuvenil,etc. 10 to race, 8 ROM, including–
NIZER SI 113, $343,197), etc. Dam of 17 starters, 14 ROM, including–
Teller Im Speedy SI 99 (g. by Teller Cartel). Winner to 4, $41,035, finalist in CAPO DE CAPI SI 108 (c. by Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 3, $244,647, Heritage ETHICS ASIDE SI 106 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 6, $99,644, Prairie
Saturday, July 07, 2018 7:12:05 PM
the Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
Place Derby [G2], Speedhorse Derby [G3], 2nd Okla. Derby, fnl [G1]. Sire. Meadows Champ. Challenge, Roble Rojo Bonus Challenge S.; fnl [G1]. Sire.
Mike Turner, Assistant Manager Leslie Turner, DVM, Resident Veterinarian
Bill Melson, General Manager
Fasten Your Cuflinks SI 96 (g. by Azoom). 4 wins to 5, $30,285, finalist in the
Carnegie Haul SI 92 (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner at 2, $40,030, 3rd Kinder- SWEET OBLIVION SI 110 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 4, $55,704, Sam
Peaster, Texas • (817) 594-831
Ruidoso Derby [G1].
garten Futurity [G2].
Houston Distaff Challenge S., 2nd Ruidoso Derby Challenge, Silestone S.
Significant Lady (f. by Relagate TB). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of ROYALTYS Eureka SI 91 (f. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 3, $27,773.
[R], finalist Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Set NTR 300y.
LADY SI 105, LADYS A CARTEL SI 106 (2 wins in 2 starts at 2, 2018).
SplylnegndSicfhfeortot SuIs9S2I(1c.0b4y(Ifv. obryyMJarmJess).PWeirnrny)e.rSinta2ksetsarptlsaacet 2d,w20in1n8e,r$,2a0b,o3v0e5.,
Significant Lineage. Granddam of Speed Regard SI 95 ($47,332 [G2]).
finalist in the Sam Houston Futurity [G2].
Pure Flattery SI 91 (f. by Special Effort). 4 wins to 6, $38,834, 2nd Aliso Viejo
AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.,