Page 229 - Speedhorse, October 2021
P. 229
Money Earned
1 ApolliticAl Jess, 2007
2 Jess GooD cAnDy, 2013
3 Kiss My HocKs, 2012
4 ApolliticAl BlooD, 2012
5 FAvorite cArtel, 2007
6 FDD DynAsty, 2004
7 A revenAnt, 2014
8 Jet BlAcK pAtriot, 2006
9 BiG DADDy cArtel, 2009
10 ivory JAMes, 2004
11 FreiGHttrAin B, 2008
12 coronA cArtel, 1994
13 Hes relentless, 2011
14 Five BAr cArtel, 2011
15 one FAMous eAGle, 2005
16 sir runAwAy DAsH, 2004
17 one sweet Jess, 2008
18 wAlK tHru Fire, 1997
19 Docs Best cArD, 2013
20 coronADo cArtel, 2011
21 one FABulous eAGle, 2013
22 seperAte interest, 2010
23 cArters cArtel, 2005
24 ec Jet one, 2013
25 pyc pAint your wAGon, 2003
26 vAliAnt Hero, 2004
27 Moonin tHe eAGle, 2012
28 tres seis, 1999
29 tHe louisiAnA cArtel, 2007
30 teMptinG DAsH, 2007
31 cApo De cApi, 2008
32 Jess louisiAnA Blue, 1998
33 volcoM, 2003
34 KiDDy up, 2005
35 HezA FAst DAsH, 1998
36 First MoonFlAsH, 2005
37 DAnny cArtel, 2007
38 Duponte, 2014
39 one DAsHinG eAGle, 2010
40 Fly tHru tHe Fire, 2011
41 Hez our secret, 2009
42 esconDiDo BeAcH, 2005
43 DAsH MAster Jess, 2010
44 iM A FAncy pyc, 2012
45 Jr DynAsty MountAin, 2010
46 osBAlDo, 2009
47 rocK soliD Jess, 2005
48 coronAs leAvinG you, 2005
49 GAMe pAtriot, 1997
50 soutHern coronA, 2001
“SW” in the “Wins” column indicates the number of stakes wins. “SW” in the “Winners” column indicates the number of stakes winners.
SP Horses indicates the number of horses that have placed in stakes, but are not stakes winners. If a stakes winner also placed in a stakes, he is not counted as a stakes-placed horse, but “SP” does include his placings.
Sire, Year
Year Winners/ Wins/
Starters SW SW
104 40/4 60/4 54 22/4 34/5 55 23/5 39/6 45 23/4 33/5 75 31/2 43/2 66 23/5 37/5 52 19/3 30/3 60 18/2 26/2 91 31/2 43/2 41 17/1 25/1 71 27/1 34/1 71 32/0 37/0 63 23/1 27/3 69 25/5 39/6 71 19/2 26/2 54 21/1 28/1 71 22/0 26/0 22 10/1 14/1 34 14/2 19/2 40 16/1 25/3 74 19/2 29/2 55 23/4 35/4 42 17/0 22/0 21 7/1 11/1 41 16/2 27/2 40 18/0 22/0 69 17/2 23/2 49 15/0 22/0 41 10/1 15/1 49 14/1 16/1 39 15/1 17/1 61 15/0 18/0 19 5/1 7/1 52 20/1 28/1 50 10/0 11/0 41 10/2 13/2 13 4/1 8/2 51 14/0 15/0 23 8/0 10/0 46 21/2 24/2 44 14/1 20/1 16 6/1 8/1 13 2/1 5/1 11 6/1 10/2 18 13/3 27/4
5 2/1 3/1 18 6/0 10/0 33 9/0 15/0 17 4/1 4/1 16 5/1 9/1
Stakes ’21 Earnings/ Placers/ Average Earnings
SP Per Starter
5/5 $3,330,654 /$32,025 2/2 $1,637,882 /$30,331 4/6 $1,540,306 /$28,005 2/2 $1,318,161 /$29,292 0/0 $1,237,558 /$16,500 2/2 $1,223,649 /$18,540 0/0 $1,031,039 /$19,827 0/0 $992,632 /$16,543 5/5 $941,924 /$10,350 2/2 $774,882 /$18,899 1/1 $740,382 /$10,427 1/1 $720,050 /$10,141 5/6 $703,962 /$11,174 2/2 $680,917 /$9,868 3/3 $656,173 /$9,241 1/1 $616,656 /$11,419 2/2 $615,000 /$8,661 1/1 $604,805 /$27,491 2/3 $576,797 /$16,964 1/1 $542,844 /$13,571 4/7 $535,168 /$7,232 4/5 $532,040 /$9,673 3/3 $514,201 /$12,242 1/2 $509,492 /$24,261 2/2 $482,061 /$11,757 3/3 $460,525 /$11,513 2/2 $432,244 /$6,264 3/3 $366,958 /$7,488 1/1 $353,564 /$8,623 0/0 $343,417 /$7,008 0/0 $342,755 /$8,788 0/0 $338,072 /$5,542 0/0 $325,716 /$17,142 4/4 $316,769 /$6,091 1/1 $311,992 /$6,239 0/0 $310,575 /$7,575 1/1 $292,973 /$22,536 0/0 $292,391 /$5,733 0/0 $277,088 /$12,047 1/1 $275,611 /$5,991 0/0 $266,535 /$6,057 1/1 $264,453 /$16,528 0/0 $249,138 /$19,164 0/0 $244,791 /$22,253 2/2 $236,798 /$13,155 0/0 $221,475 /$44,295 1/1 $218,562 /$12,142 2/2 $208,999 /$6,333 0/0 $203,407 /$11,965 1/1 $192,036 /$12,002
Leading ’21
KJ DespArADo $1,602,868
’21 Earnings
Jess sAvin cAnDy HocK it to you
BlooD Money GolDen Boi
FDD scout sippin HAyDen Jet BlAcK GrAce Mr innovAtor sAn lorenzo tAy trApper Jon MotiveiGHteD DreAMsville
$1,046,200 $395,262 $601,131 $463,925 $588,494 $276,630 $576,116 $132,040 $392,482 $114,572 $131,085 $108,553 $97,526 $194,770 $137,326 $184,912 $190,400 $253,855 $220,798 $88,800 $137,095 $147,726 $343,880 $83,464 $124,667 $59,187 $45,009 $174,821 $96,655 $48,881 $64,030 $168,741 $39,805 $94,989 $138,549 $218,905 $28,903 $163,400 $58,205 $32,148 $140,833 $220,410 $128,543
B tHe one
in Hott pursuit
tDz royAl runAwAy
lucKy Dice
Jess Fire Me
eM HiGH country
Docs Dusty cArtel
Muy peliGrosito
sHe Goes up
sAn lorenzeAux
BH inxs
pAint your leGAcy
press is My Hero
cAli cHroMe
tres eleGAnce
Mr spuD
oliviA De cApo
Jess tHe leADer
letHAl AvenGer
cAll it close
Jess DAsH FAst
FlAsHin Fire
texAnA cArtel
el pAinteD eAGle
wAtcH out
cHuGGin coronA
Botticelli BeAcH
Doc MccrocKlin
iM A FAncee cHiK
clAssic DynAsty DAsH $67,686
Hs GolDen eAGle
HollAnD rocK
leAvinG witH Fire
KK sAnDrA pAtriot
Br cHivAli cHAMp $142,962
Courtesy AQHA
$217,653 $86,428 $29,760 $160,356
SPEEDHORSE October 2021 227