Page 33 - November 2017 The Castle Pines Connection
P. 33

Free prescription
The Next Chapter 33 Senior property tax exemptions
delivery for
Information provided by Douglas County
The Senior Property Tax Exemption for senior citizens was created for qualifying seniors and the surviving spouses of seniors who previously quali ed for the exemption. Taxpayers 65 years and older as of January 1 of the year of application who have owned and occupied
the property as their primary residence for at least 10 consecutive years may qualify for the senior exemption. An application for the tax exemption must be sent to the county assessor between January 1 and July 1 of the qualifying year.
The exemption reduces the actual taxable value of quali ed residential property by 50 percent of the  rst $200,000 of taxable value. The state
retired veterans
is responsible for reimbursing the Douglas County treasurer for the lost revenue. Once approved, the exemption remains in place until there is a change in ownership.
An applicant or married couple can apply for the exemption on only one property. That property must be his or her primary residence.
To apply for the senior property tax exemption, visit senior-property-tax-exemption/. Information for the Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate Program and Colorado Property Tax Deferrals is also available on this website.
Information provided by TRICARE
One of the ways we as a country take care of our retired military personnel is through continued health coverage and medical bene ts, including TRICARE and TRICARE For Life. One of the often overlooked bene ts of TRICARE for Life is the free delivery of medications to the address of your choosing.
TRICARE For Life is Medicare-wraparound coverage for TRICARE-eligible bene ciaries who have Medicare Part A and B. It is available worldwide and kicks in and pays after Medicare coverage in the U.S. All you have to do is to show your military identi cation card so that the service provider does not collect a copayment, but instead forwards the claim to Medicare,
who in turn, forwards your claim to TRICARE For Life. In order to acquire this coverage, you must be 65 years of age or older, be eligible for Medicare A and be signed up for Medicare B.
The bene t of obtaining TRICARE For Life
is that there are no enrollment fees or special enrollment periods. It is available for all retirees of the armed forces, including family members who are eligible for Medicare, widows, widowers, and any family members under the age of 65 years who are also eligible for Medicare Part A. Medicare for Life is also available to Reserve or Guard members who have already retired.
There are numerous bene ts TRICARE For Life o ers, one of which is the pharmacy home delivery program through Express Scripts. Some of the bene ts to using this home delivery program include: Free standard shipping to
the address of your choice on maintenance medications (those you take on a regular, ongoing basis for chronic, long-term conditions such as those used to control blood pressure); cost savings compared to a retail pharmacy;
up to a 90-day supply of medication; generic medications are FREE (some copayments apply to name brands); access to a pharmacist 24/7; and automatic re lls.
To learn about TRICARE For Life, visit www. or call 888-363-5433. To learn more about the pharmacy home delivery program, visit TRICARE/bene ts/homedelivery.shtml.

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