Page 55 - November 2017 The Castle Pines Connection
P. 55

Closing the gaps in available services – Douglas County Mental Health Initiative
By Lynne Marsala Basche
The belief that nonpro t organizations strengthen our community, combined with faith in our readership and humanity in general that we all have talents to share, The Castle Pines Connection is committed to featuring a di erent local organization each month. This month we highlight the Douglas County Mental Health Initiative.
You may be struggling. Someone you know could be su ering. In fact, one in  ve adults and adolescents will be diagnosed with a mental health issue in their lifetime. In 2014, after seeing a spike of various mental health issues in Douglas County, o cials recognized the need to increase community mental health resources.
With the increasing widespread growth of mental illness, the Douglas County Mental Health Initiative (DCMHI) was created with a goal to marshal local public health agencies to work closely with each other and look at mental health needs that might be going unmet, which could lead to potential tragedies. With questions like “Are services as coordinated as they could be?” “Are people falling through the cracks?” and “Do gaps exist in available services that we could collectively address?” the group determined what could be done to more e ciently connect people with the best mental health services by working together to streamline access.
Currently, the DCMHI has 37 members, including the Douglas County School District, the district attorney’s o ce, Tri-County Health, local law enforcement agencies, area hospitals, Douglas County government, behavioral health facilities, Douglas County Youth Initiative, and various public health resources.
The need for mental health support continues
to grow, but it is also always changing. “This
is a program that is meant to evolve as we keep our  ngers on the pulse of the community,”
said Anne Mosbach, DCMHI coordinator. “As community needs change, the DCMHI will shift to meet those needs.”
When asked what she wanted readers to know about the DCMHI, Mosbach said, “We want people to be aware that these resources exist and ongoing e orts are happening.” More importantly, Mosbach stressed that the stigma surrounding mental health needs to change. Mental health conditions do not discriminate, can be treated and are no di erent than physical a ictions.
When mental health issues are left untreated, the potential for impact beyond the a ected person
is possible, including families and communities. There is no shame in getting help, and in Douglas County, the DCMHI continues its focus on supporting ongoing e orts.
We invite readers to
send suggestions for
nonpro t organizations
to feature. Email editor@ We look
forward to learning more and sharing information about nonpro ts in our community throughout the year. 55

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