Page 30 - DEC 2018 proof The Castle Pines Connection
P. 30

a place “where
curiosity never retires”
By Patte Smith
Keep your brain active – that is the mantra as people age. Statistics rea rm the importance for older adults to not only
be active, but to also keep challenging their brains. There are many websites dedicated to the subject of lifelong learning and its bene ts.
For more than 30 years, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver, has been o ering adults 50 and older the opportunity to take classes in philosophy, science, religion, global issues, history, music, political science, writing and literature. Special topics are covered in seminars and workshops that are geared toward students’ interests.
OLLI o ers classes in a relaxed atmosphere where adults can join together to study
and learn. There are no grades or tests but a chance to engage with new people and explore new topics.
Registration for Winter term classes began in November and is open until Wednesday, December 19. Classes are an eight-week term and begin on Monday, January 7.
OLLI South classes are held at Valley View Christian Church at 11004 Wind eld Lane in Highlands Ranch (Titan Road exit o  US 85 on the northeast corner).
For the class catalog, location information and to register for a class, visit

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