Page 7 - DEC 2018 proof The Castle Pines Connection
P. 7
Business Brief7s
Time for re ectionnoitce er rof emiT
By Michelle Post
In this fast-paced world, it is important to stop, be still, and re ect. Unfortunately, re ection for many only involves a quick glance at the next task on one’s to-do list. If you are like me, and I hope you are not, I am always thinking ahead of what I need to do; instead of what I have done.
I don’t know if it is an age thing, but as I get older I realize the best moments are those when I slow down and think of what I have seen, heard and accomplished. A colleague is always reminding me of the importance
of re ection. When we do not let the mind re ect, we miss incredible opportunities to appreciate all the good we have experienced; and all the bad that we have made it through.
The irony of this article is that I began writing it on my way to a day trip to
Paris with the sole intention of visiting
the Cathedral of Notre Dame. You talk about a place to re ect! Upon arrival, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the magni cent cathedral which took 200 years to build. My words cannot do it justice. I took a seat and listened to a beautiful choir practicing for a concert. As their angelic voices lled the air, the words, “be still and listen,” echoed in my mind.
As I re ected on where I was and how it happened for me to be there, I also thought of all the good that occurred this year, the losses I experienced, and the hope I have for the future. Thousands of voices in so many dialects surrounded me. People scurrying to see it all, but I was at peace in the chaos.
You don’t need to go to Notre Dame to be still; any place will work. Find your favorite quite place, pour your favorite beverage, and re ect on what worked and didn’t work. You matter and what you do matters. And never underestimate the in uence you have in this world.