Page 21 - Vets-Guide
P. 21

moment you walk in the door  If you follow these tips, you’ll be in a much better position to walk out the door with solid job prospects 
Tip 1: Gather information on the job fair and register to attend in advance 
Many job fairs have websites that post logistical informa- tion and a listing of the employers that will be in attendance  Once you’ve identi ed a job fair you would like to attend, visit the job fair website and make sure you are clear on the speci cs of the job fair location and operating hours  If the job fair does not have a website, make sure you gather logistical information from  iers or other sources prior to the event  If at all possible,
register before attending the
event   is enables you to
hit the ground running once
you arrive 
Tip 3: Prepare several versions of your resume and have hard and electronic copies ready to take with you 
Once you’ve researched the employers participating in the job fair you can begin to tailor your resume based on the types of employers that you are interested in speaking with  Use your general resume, but also prepare a few di erent versions that highlight di erent skills, abilities, or objectives based on the employer   e resumes you prepare should be brief and no more than one page  While two-page resumes are acceptable in general, it is important to keep a shorter, easy to read resume for job fairs  Employers receive many resumes so keeping it brief and to the point will be appreciated 
Print copies of each resume to distribute as appropriate at
Tip 2: Identify employers
that will be in attendance,
research those employers, and list how you might contribute to their business 
It’s usually possible to obtain a list of employers that will be participating in the job fair ahead of time  Gathering information on employers and assessing how you might contribute to their business is one of the most important steps to prepare for a job fair and is a step that will likely pay o   Spend time researching each business, including their main business operations, their organization and di erent departments, open job opportunities posted on their website or other job sites, and how you might contribute to their business. Focus on collect ing information on the business similar to the information you would collect for a job interview  You will not have a lot of time to make an impression on employers, so if you can eliminate time learning about their company you will not only impress the business representatives, but you will also gain additional time to discuss why you would be a  t for their company  Also, keep an open mind  Researching employers that you aren’t familiar with can be just as rewarding and can broaden your perspective on opportunities that are available to you  Demonstrating you took the time to prepare and familiarize yourself with various aspects of the business will highlight your interest and your ability to be organized and professional  If there is an opening you want to apply for, APPLY! Keep notes on the positions for which you submitted an application so that you can refer to openings when you meet the employer at the job fair 
puters available if you’d like to customize and print your resume on site  Still, the best method is to have various hard copies ready prior to the fair 
You can also prepare copies of your cover letter to accom- pany your resume  While this is o en a bene t, cover letters are not necessary  Your employer research should help you determine how to customize your cover letter 
Tip 4: Prepare a very brief summary of yourself and your strengths to pitch to employers 
You’ve put in the time to research the job fair’s participat- ing employers and have customized your resume, so don’t get stuck just handing out resumes   is is your opportunity to make a lasting impression, and the ball is in your court  When you hand your resume to an employer, be ready to expand upon the major points your resume outlines  Share some basic history on your skills and experience and discuss your
Job Hunting Business Cards
A great way to market yourself ad display professionalism is to create a job hunting business card with your name, contact infor- mation and 3 to 5 of your main skills.  ere are several a ordable options for print it yourself or online printing sevices.  is may be
the right tool to help that employer remember you!
Job Fairs in NM
for veterans.
the job fair   e number of copies will depend on the size of the event  You may also want to have a copy of your resume on a portable drive (thumb/ ash drive) 
Some job fairs have com-
To  nd job fairs in New Mexico, visit the Job Fairs link at
The link will also list job fairs spec cally

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