Page 8 - Vets-Guide
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Connecting With Your Resources –
The VETS Program
Veterans’ Employment Representatives are Here For You
The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) is a program of the US Department of Labor (DOL) and, in col- laboration with each state, o ers employment and training services to veterans e VETS program includes services provided by LVERs and DVOP specialists e New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) and the New MexicoWorkforceConnection(NMWorkforceConnection) manage and operate the VETS program
The mission of the New Mexico VETS program
n To provide priority of service to veterans and eligible spouses seeking employment and training bene ts
n To be a veteran’s resource for jobs information and
promote the hiring of veterans to public- and private-sector employers as good business practice
n Provide referrals to health and human service providers in the community
As mentioned throughout this publication, your LVERs and DVOP specialists are invaluable resources to you during your job search, whether you are recently separated or have been out of military service for some time ese representa- tives are trained to help you explore careers, identify training options, prepare for your job search, and obtain employment here in New Mexico Representatives are also knowledgeable about the various bene ts available to veterans and are ready to point you in the right direction on a variety of resources provided by NM Workforce Connection, NMDVS, VA, and