Page 28 - Demo
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 The Preventive System
When we speak of religion in the context of the Preventive System, we understand it as rooted in value-based education. As ‘education’ per definition is rooted in the cultural context and its values in which it is developed, educating within intercultural settings provides certain challenges. The educator needs to create common ground from where to start a dialogue on values. For Salesian Educators this common ground is using education as an instrument promoting and protecting human dignity of all young people. Through our education we strive to create openness towards the diversity in society, by education young people to become good Christians and honest citizens. In order to offer this value- based education, a Salesian Educator should be a role model in this.
 FORGIVENESS When the relationship between
the Salesian Educator and young people is damaged, it is imperative that the educator reaches out to the other, letting go of any personal feelings of hurt and upset.
7 Values of Religion
The Salesian Educator is respectful towards others regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, class, sexuality, appearance, political belief, religious belief, physical or mental ability and acts
TRANSCENDENCE Starting from the understanding
that young people are dealing with the big questions in life, the Salesian Educator has the sensitivity to identify and to support young people in their search for meaning in their life.
The Salesian Educator
emphasises the positive sides of all situations, is not discouraged by any difficulties, always looking with hope for a positive outcome.
The Salesian Educator
instinctively is kind - showing good to others through thought, word and action.
The Salesian Educator
identifies the importance of understanding the viewpoint, situation and feeling of others.
The Salesian Educator is
open to engage in dialogue and collaboration with others regardless of differences in values.

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