Page 36 - Thomas F. Dalton Funeral Homes
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Notify the following people as soon as possible:
The funeral home to arrange transportation and to set future appointments
Family, friends and the executor/executrix
Employers of the decease plus family members who need time off
Various insurance agents Lawyers and accountant
Their legal full name -
other names must be noted as well
Date and place of birth Citizenship
Home address and telephone number
Mothers full name and birthplace Fathers full name and birthplace Occupation
Employers name and address Locate the will
Whether your loved one is to be buried, cremated or entombed
Clothing for the deceased to be buried or cremated in
Service details - would you like a visitation period, a formal service or a reception
Whether a member of the clergy will be engaged for the service
Pallbearers,  owers, music, pictures, scriptures or readings
Casket selection
Make arrangements with the cemetery or crematorium
Ambulance services, if any
Funeral arrangements, including clergy,  orist, transportation and any other costs
Cemetery and memorisation services
Any urgent bills or debt
where to begin - a checklist
Meet with the Funeral Home
Secure the vital information of the deceased:
Pay For
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