Page 2 - Oscar Wilde
P. 2
Oscar Wilde
Name Date of birth Place of birth Family
Early career
Wri7ng career
In 1891 he published two collecKons of short stories - Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and other Stories, and A House of Pomegranates. In the same year he published his firrst and only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, which was banned as immoral by Victorian criKcs, but is now considered one of his most notable works. In the early 1890’s he became one of London's most popular playwrights. He produced four extremely popular
comedies :'Lady Windermere's Fan' (1892),’A woman of no importance ( 1893), An Ideal Husband (1895)' and his masterpiece, 'The Importance of Being Earnest' (1895). 'Salomé' was first performed in Paris in 1896
He died on 30th november 1900, (aged 46) in Paris, France.
Oscar Wilde
16 October 1854 Dublin, Ireland
His father was a surgeon specialist in ophthalmologiy, his mother , Jane Francesca Elgee was a poet associated with the Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848
Portora Royal School, then he studied Greek and LaKn at Trinity College in Dublin and Magdalene college in Oxford that awaeded him a degrree with honours. While at Oxford, Wilde became involved in the aestheKc movement and started wriKng poetry.
ASer he graduated, Wilde moved to London to start a literary career. In London He worked as a journalist, and thanks to his wiUy conversaKon and unusual clothes, soon became one of the best known personaliKes of the day as a spokeman for the aesthethic movement. In 1882 he lectured as an art criKc in the U.S.A and in Canada.
The Trial
Drama and tragedy ruined Wilde's private life. He was married and had two sons, but in 1891 Wilde began an affair with Lord Alfred Douglas,. In April 1895, Wilde sued Bosie's father, the Marquis of Queensberry, for libel, aSer the Marquis has accused him of being homosexual. Wilde lost and, aSer details of his private life were revealed during the trial, was arrested and tried for gross indecency. He was sentenced to two years of hard labour. While in prison he composed a long leUer to Douglas, published aSer his death under the Ktle 'De Profundis' . His wife took their children to Switzerland and adopted the name 'Holland'. Wilde was released and his reputaKon ruined. He spent the rest of his life in Europe, publishing 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol' in 1898. He died in Paris on 30 November 1900.