Page 13 - Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian Public Tertiary Institutions 2020/21
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We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the top management of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for the tireless guidance and unrelenting support towards the publication of Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian Public Tertiary Institutions 2020/2021, specifically to the Citation & Infometrics Center (CIC), led by Mrs Noor Hapipah Samat, for their commendable effort and involvement in the preparation of this report.
We also extend our deepest gratitude to the learned Dr. Fauzi Zainir for his dedication and hard work; burning the midnight oil to complete this report. Most importantly, an acknowledgement for the crucial role of Mr. Azman bin Hashim who has helped and invested his time to extract and compile the relevant data, making this report possible in its true sense.
Finally, we would like to thank each and every one involved in placing their trust, honour and unwavering faith in us to prepare this report, the completion of which has given and rendered INNOWAVE absolute satisfaction and sheer pride.
Innowave Sdn. Bhd.
Members Of Project Team
Malaysia Citation Centre Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Innowave Sdn. Bhd.
Noor Hapipah Samat Azman Hashim
Ts. Amirul Firdaus Zilah Dr. Fauzi Zainir
Amir Ridzo Amir Hamzah Noorhisham Mohammad

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